James Bailey: ‘Danny Cipriani is the only top fly-half of Afro-Caribbean descent

Belfast Telegraph
James Bailey: ‘Danny Cipriani is the only top fly-half of Afro-Caribbean descent

James Bailey has never had a problem with being different. Not many rugby coaches learn their trade in the palm-fringed, sun-kissed surroundings of the Caribbean - and even fewer go on to take charge of a national side.

But a road which began for Bailey in Jamaica, where he coached the island's Sevens squad, and made him just the third black or mixed race coach to work in the professional game in England has now led to California, where he will lead his country's women's side at the Rugby World Cup Sevens this weekend

The son of an English mother and Jamaican father, Bailey has trailblazing in his blood. His father, Lennox, moved to London as a teenager in the late 1960s and became the English national amateur boxing champion at bantamweight. Despite having the potential to become a professional, Lennox opted to sacrifice that opportunity in order to provide for his family and, in doing so, he became one of the first people of Afro-Caribbean heritage to work in the City. 

“I think the kind of determination he had is very inspiring, for a young Jamaican boy coming to London at that time was very difficult," Bailey told Telegraph Sport. "He achieved a lot both in sport and then going to work in the City. That determination to do what was best for his family instilled a lot in me."

Spending part of his childhood in east London, rugby was not on Bailey’s radar - his dream was to become an Olympic sprinter. But when he encountered rugby for the first time as a 10-year-old, he fell in love with it and began striving for a career in the professional game. 

Not that the opportunities were plentiful. Often the wing was the only player of colour in his team, a source of frustration then and now.

“It is probably something you are always aware of as you grow up if you are the only black player in your team and the only player of mixed heritage in a certain environment,” Bailey said.

“I haven't had to deal with loads of racism on the field from opponents or fans, although those things have happened. But what I am really interested in is why do players of Afro-Caribbean descent play predominantly in the same positions? Normally you see black wingers, full-backs, centres. Maybe now props and back row players. 

“But I would like to see a lot more players of Afro-Caribbean descent play in the pivotal roles. My understanding is that Danny Cipriani is the only one of that background in that fly-half position at the top of his game. I would like to see black and mixed race players at a younger age being promoted to play in those positions. It would be interesting to know if it is a conscious thing that people are aware of or is it not? That is the question.”

During a professional career that spanned over a decade, Bailey played for Bristol, Gloucester, London Irish, Lyon and Wasps, as well as representing England sevens, yet coaching was never on his radar as a post-retirement option. The reason is depressingly familiar.  

"There was a lack of people who look like me in those positions - that is quite obvious,” he says. 

Bailey, 34, is acutely aware that he is in a very small minority and hopes that as the player base becomes more diverse, so too will the coaches. He is of the opinion that current internationals from Afro-Caribbean, African and mixed backgrounds should be encouraged towards coaching.

He says: “You are now seeing more and more players of Afro-Caribbean and mixed players, playing in the Premiership. You have guys from African backgrounds like Maro Itoje and then you have the likes Jonathan Joseph and Anthony Watson – it is a lot more prevalent now. Off the back of that, you do need to see more black coaches and that people see that as a viable option. 

“To my mind there has only been two professional coaches of Afro-Caribbean decent: Collin Osborne who just left Harlequins and Paul Hull who was formerly of Bristol and London Irish. What we need to have is quality coaches first and foremost but to open the eyes of some of the current internationals that this if this is something they want to do, it is definitely something they can do.”

In football, the FA have decided to implement the Rooney Rule, first introduced in the NFL and which requires ethnic-minority candidates to be interviewed for coaching roles. But there is not a quota system and preference is not given to minority candidates. 

Bailey believes the best person for the job should always be hired but believes that English rugby could greatly benefit from embracing more diversity.

“I was always brought up to believe you should be the best person for the job, regardless of anything else.

“We have got to find ways to increase diversity in our sport. Purely from a performance point of view, there are so many untapped playing resources in our country. Look at the inner-cities, there could be a lot of talent there that could make a huge impact on our game. I think what we need to do throughout the infrastructure of rugby in England is to look at how do we open up those opportunities to those people. 

“I am not necessarily sure on the Rooney rule but it has got be something we look at in terms of creating opportunities that rugby at any level from grassroots right to the top of the game, should be open to everyone.”

The RFU supports the All Schools programme, an initiative started in 2013 to increase the number of secondary state schools playing rugby union in England with the aim of encouraging youngsters from non-traditional rugby backgrounds. But the value of dynamic, positive role models is hard to overstate, even if Bailey is a reluctant poster boy.

"I am not sure if I am a role model but I am very aware of it," he said. "How I conduct myself and how I carry myself is important to not just me but to a whole host of different people.

“In rugby and coaching, how I see things has been inspired by my dad. His values and the things he has instilled in me, is a massive part of who I am.”