KNOW YOUR STARS: Hooker Nantongo finds solace in women rugby
KNOW YOUR STARS: Hooker Nantongo finds solace in women rugby

Phiona Nantongo yearns to emulate her role models in the game of rugby; Winnie Atyang and Immaculate Ninsima.

Phiona “Fifi” Nantongo, 20, is a keen rugby player. The senior six vacist features for Ewes women rugby club, an entity in the central women’s XV league.

Nantongo’s rugby story started in 2022 as inspired by the Ewes coach Jude Rwakayanga.

Before shifting to Rugby, she had played football.

“I played football before I started training rugby. I was inspired by coach Jude Rwakayanga who encouraged me to train with the other girls.” The hooker notes.

Nantongo was born on 14 March 2003 in Kampala city at the Mulago national hospital.

Both her parents (Sam Ssali & Nuru Naluyima) are deceased as she grew up with other elder siblings.


Nantongo started her elementary education at Happy Hours Primary school.

She studied at Emmanuel college and Centrefield secondary school for O-Level studies.

In S.5 and S.6, she was at Abubakar Swidiq Secondary School, studying History, Entreprenuership, Literature and Information Communication Technology (ICT).

At the moment, she is enjoying the long S6 vacation having scored 10 points at A-Level.

“I am looking forward to continue with education at the university. Bursary offers are welcome since my sponsors pushed me up to S6” she adds.

Nantongo yearns to emulate her role models in the game of rugby; Winnie Atyang and Immaculate Ninsima.

Her best game thus far was the Ewes challenge against Entebbe based Avengers whilst the toughest opposition ever faced was against the Thunderbirds.

“We had our best in the game against Avengers since we played gallantly. Even though we lost, it was a spirited fight. The most-toughest team I have faced are the Thunderbirds who have aggressive, big and tall players” she recollects.

Nantongo aspires to continue playing the game against all the odds amid the challenges as limited resources and physicality of the game.

Faith Namugga is the most-toughest opponent that Nantongo has faced.

On any day, she would prefer a well-cooked dish of matooke and peas.

  • Full Names: Phiona Nantongo
  • Date of Birth: 14 March 2003
  • Place of Birth: Mulago Hospital, Kampala city
  • Parents: Sam Ssali & Nuru Naluyima (Both deceased)
  • Inspired by: Jude Rwakayanga (coach)
  • Education: Happy Hours Primary school (Primary), Emmanuel college and Centrefield secondary school (O-Level), Abubakar Swidiq Secondary School (A-Level) – HentLit/ICT
  • Current club: Ewes women football club
  • Other sports disciplines: Football
  • Best Game: Ewes Vs Avengers
  • Roles models: Winnie Atyang & Immaculate Ninsima
  • Best Dish: Matooke & Peas
  • Tough Rugby match: Ewes Vs Thunderbirds
  • Toughest opponent faced: Faith Namugga