MLB News: Yasiel Puig complains about new obstruction of justice charge after repenting in gambling case

MLB News: Yasiel Puig complains about new obstruction of justice charge after repenting in gambling case

Yasiel Puig received a new obstruction of justice charge after withdrawing from an agreement to plead guilty to an illegal gambling operation.

His attorney, Keri Axel, and his representative Lisette Carnet have issued a statement to complain about the additional charge.

"We are disappointed that the United States Attorney's Office has further entrenched itself in its unfair prosecution of Yasiel Puig," the statement read.

"There is no new conduct at issue: the new charge for alleged obstruction is based on the same unfounded allegations of the initial charge, all concerning a single Zoom interview. By adding the additional count, they are seeking to punish Puig for exercising his Constitutional rights and asserting the truth-that he is not guilty."

In his plea agreement, Puig acknowledged that during 2019 he accumulated $280,000 in betting losses on tennis, football and basketball duels through third parties that were part of an illegal gambling operation run by former minor league player Wayne Nix.

According to authorities, Puig placed more than 900 bets on the website controlled by the minor league player and another person who worked for Nix.

The latter pleaded guilty in April to conspiracy to operate an illegal gambling business and filing a false tax return.