Netball World Cup 2023: Pamela Cookey gives predictions on England, New Zealand, Australia and Jamaica
Netball World Cup 2023: Pamela Cookey gives predictions on England, New Zealand, Australia and Jamaica

The 2023 Netball World Cup is here as New Zealand look to defend their title from four years ago. They will face stiff opposition from the likes of Australia, Jamaica and England, while hosts South Africa can't be ruled out either.

This year's event in Cape Town marks the tournament's 60th anniversary and will take place from Friday July 28 to Sunday August 6. Every game will be shown live on Sky Sports, with one game per day available on the Sky Sports YouTubechannel.

Former England international and Sky Sports pundit Pamela Cookey gives us her thoughts on what to expect from the tournament.

England - It might work in their favour to be underdogs

I'm staying confident. It will be a challenge for them. They are very heavily stacked in that wing defence position, so I'm a bit dubious whether they have enough cover overall to take them through a whole competition because it's eight games in 10 days. It's brutal.

You need to be able to make sure you are kind of ticking everyone along nicely but then your star players are ready to fire for the semi-final and final.

You have got Geva Mentor in there, Helen Housby, who is smashing things in Suncorp, Eleanor Cardwell, who just won with Adelaide Thunderbirds and has just been flying, youngsters like Funmi Fadoju, who has been so exciting over the past couple of years. We are just waiting for her now to really put her mark on that international stage.

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There's a group of players that could win it and could be on that podium. I just think other teams potentially can be a little bit stronger.

It might even work in their favour to be underdogs - just kind of go about doing their business. But on paper, I think some of the other teams are a little bit stronger but I'm hoping to be proven wrong!

Wales and Scotland face tough groups

Wales are in the group of death with Jamaica, South Africa and Sri Lanka. They are targeting a top eight, to at least finish where they were at the Commonwealth Games, or better. They have got a new coach and are starting to develop that culture. They beat Scotland in the practice game a couple of weeks ago.

They are starting to find their way and could potentially do as well as they did before, if not a bit better. But, we have got Tonga in the mix, who are ranked seventh and I think they are dark horses potentially and could put a spanner in the works for the likes of Scotland and Wales.

South Africa - A nice blend of experience and youth

They have got coach Norma Plummer back in and she's amazing. They are all really gelling together and she's brought back that team culture.

You've got players like Bongiwe Msomi, Karla Pretorius, who was player of the tournament in 2019. Then some newbies like Elmere van der Berg - a goal attack, very agile, very accurate, and you've got a Nichola Smith in that defensive end.

So they are blending quite nicely those experienced players with the youth coming through, but I think is going to be a tall ask for them because they are in the group [side of the draw] with New Zealand and Jamaica. They will have to beat least one of them to get through to that semi-final.

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It's great because you've got that kind of eighth player [with the home crowd]. They are just solely cheering for you to do well and you kind of buzz off that energy. It's an honour to play in your country.

I'm excited for them. I've already heard South Africa and Cape Town is buzzing for it, so it's going to be a challenge, but anything's possible.

Australia - You just can't rule them out

They just win everything! This cycle they have won everything apart from the World Cup. The Quad Series, the Constellation Cups and the Commonwealth Games last year.

For me, where I think we could potentially see checking their armour is all the stuff that's going off the court with netball, Australia, with their contracts.

At the Commonwealth Games, they had Gretel Bueta, who was a phenomenal and I think she was the spark in that Aussie team that really took them to that final. She's pregnant at the moment and they have not really brought anyone in that's different that can fill that spot.

Donnell Wallam is in their reserves but I think she should be in that 12 instead of Sophie Garbin, who hasn't really performed that well in Suncorp but you just can't rule them out.

You've got Liz Watson in there, who is probably the best wing attack in the world feeding Steph Wood, as vice-captain. You've got a Courtney Bruce at the back, who if she can stay away from the whistle and come out with a clean ball, she's deadly at the back, so you can't move them out.

Jamaica - The best I've seen them

They were annoyed at coming second at the Commonwealth Games. This is the best I've ever seen them as a collective group, they will fight to actually go for that gold medal position.

Their bookends have just been steadily growing up and have been so solid for so long - Jhaniele Fowler as goal shooter, Shamera Sterling at the back, alongside Latanya Wilson and Jodi-Ann Ward.

So that Jamaican flair we have always known, they have now got the structure to it. Where they are missing is that mid-court position. But Connie Francis has been working on that and she's got some youngsters in that mix, who are more consistent.

New Zealand - A force to be reckoned with

Coach Noeline Taurua is a magician. They won the last World Cup, she brought in the 'Fossils' as she called them to strengthen that line up - Laura Langman, Maria Folau and Casey Kopua.

She just she knows how to bring a team and get the most out of individuals as a collective. They've had the most preparation times as a squad leading into this competition because the ANZ finished quite a while back.

They have been in New Zealand, they went to Australia to do a camp and went back to New Zealand. The likes of Karin Burger and Jane Watson, who've been playing together in the ANZ.

With tactics they are a wall in defence - it's scary as an attacker to be against them. Then you've also got youngster Grace Nweke, who we only really saw in 2022.

I think she played in the Quad Series in January, and she was like this Bambi on ice in the corner. Then fast forward a year and a half and she is strong, she's powerful, she's robust and she's so accurate under the post. So if they can have good service to her I think they are going to be a force to be reckoned with.

Pamela's Prediction

I think because so many games are in such a short time, it's going to be about which team can utilise their players the best, so that you are peaking at the business end.

It's going to be about which coach can say that key word to a player, or to a unit, in the game that's going to get them back on track and flip it.

I also think which team can collectively stay in their bubble and not let everything else around them get in the way and just do the job on the court.

It's going to be the most hotly contested World Cup we've ever had. As a fan, that's so exciting. It will be really interesting to see how it all unfolds and how all the different teams work together.

  • Fourth: England
  • Bronze: Australia
  • Silver: Jamaica
  • Gold: New Zealand

How can I watch the Netball World Cup?

Sky Sports will show every match of the 2023 Netball World Cup live, with one game per day available on the Sky Sports YouTubechannel.

Alongside the live coverage, former England stars Pamela Cookey and Eboni Usoro-Brown will join Caroline Barker in Cape Town, giving viewers expert insight and analysis of the competition.

Highlights will be available daily on the Sky Sports App, allowing fans to catch up on any action they may have missed.

England, Jamaica, Australia or New Zealand? Who will win the Netball World Cup? Stream the Netball World Cup from July 28 to August 6 and more with NOW