Netflix Caught Out: Discussing the plot of the series as the match-fixing scandal is explored

Netflix Caught Out: Discussing the plot of the series as the match-fixing scandal is explored

Caught Out: Crime Corruption Cricket, a Netflix documentary that released on March 17, delves into one of the biggest scandals that rocked the cricket-crazed nation of India.

It dives into one of the biggest scandals that shook the cricket-loving Indians to the core. The country has long regarded its best cricketers as heroes. But what if a national hero makes a mistake? What do his supporters do then? That is one aspect that the documentary that has attempted to explore during its run time of just over an hour.

Could a game considered religious be so rotten? Why did our national heroes become so vulnerable to the point of national shame? Caught Out attempts to delve deeper into these unsettling questions.

Caught Out: Crime. Corruption. Cricket caught the attention of the viewers soon after its release

Crime and corruption have been exposed in the movie that was directed by Supriya Sobti Gupta. This Netflix film is based betting and match-fixing scandal in on the 2000s. The incidents that plagued the cricket world. As a result, it robbed the game of its integrity and fandom. The incidents were widely publicized, and because of the nature of the discourse, the majority of the narrative inflections are now in the public domain.

In the year 2000, when cricket was still regarded as a gentleman’s game, Delhi Police overheard a conversation between bookie Sanjeev Chawla and former South African captain Hansie Cronje, prompting them to file a case against the latter on April 7.

Caught Out’s producers and director made certain to capture the authenticity of the heartbreaking scandal by interviewing the investigators and journalists who were present when these events unfolded.

It features journalists and officials including Aniruddha Bahal, an Outlook Magazine reporter, Ravi Sawani, the former CBI joint director for special crimes, and Minty Telpaj, one of the founders of Tehelka, an Indian news magazine and website. They all ended up playing a role in breaking this story that instantly rocked the foundation of the Indian sports world.

The documentary also includes a mention of Kapil Dev in the racket, but the filmmaker makes no effort to follow it through. She skips over his famous tearful press conference and ends with his exoneration. In some ways, the retelling reduces and sanitizes the already unresolved detail. Caught Out remains steadfastly devout in its warped reverence for an investigative non-fiction preoccupied with revealing the feet of clay of demigods.

Cricket is central to Indian culture. It’s no surprise that OTT fans are excited about a new documentary on the sport. The movie tells the story of India’s biggest match-fixing scandal and the celebrities caught in its web.

It is currently trending in the Top 10 segment of the leading OTT platform, Netflix. Supriya Sobti Gupta’s 77-minute documentary features players and journalists who exposed this web and others behind the match-fixing. Gupta is a veteran journalist who has worked with the BBC and Al Jazeera.

What happened in the match-fixing scandal of 2000? 

In 2000, the Delhi Police intercepted a phone call between Sanjeev Chawla and the late South African cricketer Hansie Cronje in the year 2000. The Delhi police kept a close eye on Chawla and learned later that the late cricketer had accepted money in exchange for losing a few international matches.

Many cricketers went on to testify against Cronje. Following the scandal, Chawla, who was acting as the bookie, fled to the United Kingdom. After the Delhi police filed a charge-sheet against him, he was finally brought back to India in 2020. A Delhi court later granted him bail. Cronje, meanwhile, died in a plane crash in 2002.