New Survey Shows California Online Sports Betting Not Favored by Voters

Summarized by: Live Sports Direct
New Survey Shows California Online Sports Betting Not Favored by Voters

New survey shows that California voters do not favor online sports betting. The general election is in eight weeks. The Public Policy Institute of California based their findings on a survey of 1,750 California adult residents conducted from Sept. 2 to 11.

New survey shows California Online Sports Betting Not Favored by Voters. If the election were held today, 34% of likely voters would vote "yes" on Prop 27, 54% would voted "no" and 12% are unsure. The only likely people for Prop27 are voters age 18 to 44 (52%) and renters (51%). The survey did not poll voters on the Tribal Sports Wagering Act, which would legalize retail sports betting for California Tribal Casinos and four state racetracks.

Both the California Democratic and Republican parties are against Prop 27. California Democrats and Republicans are also against Proposition 26. In August, top California lawmakers announced their opposition to the online sports betting initiative.