Nowra Bomaderry Meals on Wheels celebrates long-serving volunteers
Nowra Bomaderry Meals on Wheels celebrates long-serving volunteers

Appreciation: Gwen Ross was recognised for her 50 years of volunteering with Nowra Bomaderry Meals on Wheels. Image: Grace Crrivellaro

Sharing memories and laughs over lunch, long-serving Nowra and Bomaderry Meals on Wheels volunteers were celebrated on Friday afternoon.

At their appreciation luncheon, certificates were presented to volunteers who have been with the charity for over 10 years.

A special recognition was awarded to Gwen Ross, who has been volunteering at Nowra Bomaderry Meals on Wheels for 50 years.

Offering more than just a meal to those in need, Gwen said her favourite part of volunteering was forming connections with her clients.

"I just fell into it and it just became what I did," said Gwen.

"And you make friendships with everyone.

"When we were told us over-70s couldn't do it do it anymore due to COVID, I told everybody when I went round that day, and one lady I visited cried.

"I said, 'Why are you crying?' And she said, 'Because you've been so good to me.'"

Awarded Volunteer of the Year, Tony Barnett was recognised for his tireless efforts in delivering meals across the Kangaroo Valley for more than 20 years.

"They are difficult delivery jobs that Tony does, but he's always there no matter what," said chairperson of North Shoalhaven Meals on Wheels Kevin Dwyer.

Tony said his most difficult delivery was a recent one.

"I was delivering to a large property where access was very difficult," he said.

"The house was set back from the road and I had to know the number code to open the gates. Then it's about 300 meters of incredibly rough road, I drove on the grass because even with a small SUV I could never have got up there.

"Having got up to the house, I had to deliver 42 meals. I was able to put three for that night in the fridge but couldn't get 39 in the other half the fridge with freezer.

"I was told there was another freezer in the garage. The garage was locked but I eventually found my way through."

Against the odds, Tony delivered the 42 meals. He said the most rewarding part of volunteering was "sharing conversations" with clients.

"I enjoy doing that, particularly in some cases I was possibly the only person they saw that day."