Online Sports Gambling can be Fun if You Set Rules and Follow Them
Online Sports Gambling can be Fun if You Set Rules and Follow Them

Grand Victoria Casino opened in Indiana 29 years ago. I will openly admit that 29 years ago I started contributing to the education fund for the state of Indiana.

In the years to follow Belleterra, Caesars, Hollywood and others became my go to casinos. It was a quick trip once or twice a month to throw down some cards and come home. I have never been a slot player but give me a card game with a minimum buy-in and I am ready to go.

Sometimes I would win. Sometimes I would lose. However, I would always follow these rules:

1 —  Only take in what you can afford to lose.
2 — Leave all credit cards and ATM cards in the car (locked in trunk).
3 — Always bring a driver’s license (in case you win big).

Then COVID hit and the casinos shut down. During that time I resorted to playing Lighting Link slots on my iPad. I discovered I could have fun while in my pajamas and only playing with fake money. It was a win, win.

When the casinos reopened I might have been there three times. Sitting elbow to elbow with strangers, breathing the same air and touching the same cards just isn’t as fun as it used to be.

I have never understood sports book gambling. Every trip I have made to Vegas, no matter what time of the year, I always bet $5 for Kentucky to win the National Championship. I have been doing this since the summer of 2013, so you can determine how much I have won off those bets.

I decided to give the new Kentucky sports-book betting a try. The first day I downloaded the app and began to learn about betting online.

After a week, I can tell you what a parlay and money line is but that is about as far as my knowledge goes. I am having fun and doing it from the convenience of my couch.

Here are the rules I have set for myself:

Download only one app and stick with it.
Deposit $25 every other Friday (if I am still enjoying).
Withdraw any funds over $25 on Monday and put in my NCAA Tournament travel fund.

I am now watching more NFL and college football than I ever thought I would. Although I know nothing about NFL teams unless they are the Bengals or Chiefs. I go with Coach Prime simply because he is a wild card and you never know what might happen.

The only thing suffering with my new pastime is my social media accounts. My morning routine of checking Twitter then Facebook has changed. First, it’s my sports book, then my social media accounts. Instead of discussing social media gossip, my family friends and I are discussing what parlays we should bet.

As long as you can remember to never bet more than you can afford to lose and follow your personal rules, I would suggest giving it a try. There’s nothing like screaming at the television at a player you didn’t know the day before!