Rugby: New South Wales Suburban Rugby Union

The Phoney War Week3

The Phoney War Week3

Welcome back all and sundry as the Green rejoins the Gold and the Noodles reconstitute as the Chew once again. I'll let others tell the tales of where we've been, whence and why we came and how we've all arrived back where we all started. It's been an adventure. But however it has come to pass, here we are. I made the point a few weeks ago that the…
Sunday, June 26, 2022

Sunday, June 26, 2022

There is no doubt the late Hubert "Chinna" Bartley was among the finest local jockeys to have graced the profession in the history of horse racing in Jamaica. A three-time champion (1983, 1986, 1991), Bartley, a taciturn character who did not interact much with the spectators a la the likes of Emilio Rodriquez and Dane Nelson as well as others,…
Horse Racing