Southampton fans with amusing stand out comments on Newcastle United supporters ahead of second leg

The Mag
Southampton fans with amusing stand out comments on Newcastle United supporters ahead of second leg

Southampton fans watched on as their (much changed) team beat Blackpool on Saturday.

A 2-1 victory as Nathan Jones made eight changes to his side for that FA Cup fourth round match,

Quite clear where the Saints boss sees as his priority, St James’ Park on Tuesday night.

I had always found Southampton fans one of the better opposition fanbases.

Never bringing many up to St James’ Park but as a relatively small club and the distance involved, not the biggest surprise.

Whilst our trips down there in the past were generally a good time had by all pre and post-match, with The Dell having a lot of character, even if we invariably managed to find a way to lose. Then their shift to St Mary’s producing pretty much more of the same.

When it came to how Southampton fans went on with us, at least for a certain excitable (I know, not something you would associate generally with their fanbase…) faction, it all seemed to change just over a year ago.

When the game down there was cancelled due to covid cases and injuries at St James’ Park, a fair number of Southampton fans took their lead from Everton fans, claiming it was all a conspiracy and NUFC were lying (even though clubs had to provide evidence to the Premier League) about the covid outbreak and it was all a master plan that would mean the likes of Mbappe and Neymar would be available when the game(s) was rescheduled and Newcastle’s billions worth of January 2022 signings would be available. Ignoring the fact that literally dozens of Premier League matches were getting postponed at the same time, as well as these two NUFC matches.

Anyway, this post-takeover new take on Newcastle United and its supporters, appears to have continued for this excitable faction of Southampton fans.

Wanting to believe anything negative, which clearly appears to come from seeing random stuff online from Newcastle supporters.

This is the same all over of course, with all football fanbases.

So many supporters (including Newcastle fans) wanting to believe the worst of others, based on the extremes of their fanbases. Indeed, when it comes to social media and so on, it is often the case where nobody knows for sure that those winding up others, are definitely fans of the club they claim to support…

Southampton fans commenting on Newcastle supporters and what lies ahead in the second leg at St James’ Park via their Saints Web message board:

‘It didn’t look like Newcastle fans sold out the away end, no surprise really as long journey midweek.’

‘With regards to Newcastle fans being in the home end, clearly it is a stupid decision and you’re asking for trouble.

But it seemed from our seats that other people were jumping in or trying to get involved from rows above in the Kingsland North and causing other people below to fall over, or almost get pushed forward is just irresponsible, no matter what you think of Newcastle fans being in the home end.

Especially as it may effect other Saints fans sitting nearby or hinder stewards or police from removing away fans more quickly and efficiently.’

‘Where were you (Newcastle fans) when you were sh.t?’

‘It would appear that the mighty Newcastle United have already qualified for Wembley together with their fans with inflated egos and bellies.’

‘It shows arrogance but I’d be pretty confident if I was them. Having said that I’d love nothing more than to see us wipe the smug smiles off the faces of their coaches, owners, players and fans. I’d give us long odds to do it unfortunately but stranger things have happened.’

‘These lot need to be bought down a peg or two. The Arab take over seems to have gone to their heads. Richest club in the world and all that. I know where the Geordie nation can g.’

‘Pity really – geordies used to be such a down to earth lot and generally good fun to be around – just goes to show what money can do.’

‘I thought we got away with it in the first leg, but are we still in the tie?

Of course we are, though how we will score and keep a clean sheet I will never know. Having said that, it will probably end up a goal fest, with a last minute winner taking us to pens, which we win and then it becomes the greatest away day since Fratton in 84…I’m loving this bottle of Chateauneuf du Pape by the way.

I notice that we have completely sold the original four blocks of seats now and they are selling tickets in half of the next block of seats along. I think each block holds about 550, so about 2200 sold and maybe 250 more available. I suspect that will be it though. Not a bad effort, considering the distance and lack of optimism around right now. It didn’t look like Newcastle sold all their 3200 tickets, which perhaps shows what a bloody long trip it is, especially midweek.’

‘I doff my cap to those making the trip! The team had best do them proud!!’

‘I’m really looking forward to it, last time I went up there Ayoze Perez scored a hat trick and we were sh.t.

I would LOVE IT if we could go there and do a job on them, after some of what I’ve read over the last few days.’

‘A mate of mine said we’re 1-0 down at half time in a semi final, when you look at it like that all to play for.

Of course we know the odds are stacked against us, but who knows we might even have a new striker by then!

Looking forward to the trip regardless, if we have 2500 that will be a top effort in my book, 4th semi final in 7 years so perhaps not as special an occasion for us as it is the Geordies who aren’t used to such success.’

‘I am hoping for a win so i can wave goodbye to Murphy as we go on to wembley .What a c..t he really is ,i think DCC sees him in the line up in the return league game it should be worth staying tuned into …..COYS.’

‘Looks like we have sold around 2480 so far (Fridsay 27 January) and tickets are now selling in the extra (half) block put up (the other half must be segregation) – looks like, understandably, we just took the 2,800 allocation.’

‘Still in it.

Obviously Newcastle will start as favourites but funnier things have happened.

It would appear that they already think they have reached Wenbley and hopefully their arrogance will be dispelled

The media crow on about the noise the Toon Army create.

Fair enough their away support always seems loud, not so sure on their home support though, not as good as made out.(Mind Im only going what Ive heard or not on telly)Get an early goal and put them on tenterhooks. They are bad losers.

Here’s hoping.’

‘For anyone going up or who has done the trip before – what is the best away pub? It’ll be my first trip to SJP.’

‘People saying how poor the ticket sales are for a cup semi final at the opposite end of the country, that we’re expecting to lose, and probably not ever score.

Plus it will cost a few hundred quid each. I think anything over 2,000 is a fantastic effort tbh.’

‘Very Poor effort for a semi final, not even selling 2,800 tickets.’

‘I’d go if it wasn’t midweek. Just one of those things sadly. Full respect to anyone who is going.’

‘Very poor first half but we looked a lot better when Armstrong came on.

Better second half but Newcastle missed a raft of sitters and always looked dangerous as DCC was having a mare and was left exposed to often.

We gave Newcastle the ball so often with aimless punts up field that I was praying for a bit of keep ball to give the defence a break.

Couldn’t believe the handball decision against us. Once upon a time it had to be deliberate, which this wasn’t, but there we go.

On the plus side we did show that we can break through their defence so if we can keep a clean sheet up there and someone finds their shooting boots, who knows?’

‘Adam Armstrong was good when he came on too, he was very unlucky to have his goal chalked off (he was fouled I thought in the build up so we should had a penalty).’

‘A lot of hard done by crying on here about various aspects of the game last night.

Truth is we got exactly what we deserved, f…all. We did not play well enough to get anything out of the game, and the same old flaws were there for all to see.

That City performance really was a one off, and any of you travelling up to SJP next week have my upmost respect knowing that Jones and his team are very likely to let us all down again.’

‘They didn’t “let us down” last night. Newcastle haven’t conceded a goal in the league since the consolation one we got in Nov, have only conceded 11 in the league all season ( I’ve only counted league because that’s their full strength side, like last night), which is 5 less than any other team. They are third in the league. What did you expect, us to roll them over?’

‘Murphy waving at DCC when got sent off. Hope that little f…er gets flattened although doubt he will make their first team.’

‘Genuinely curious, when people get annoyed by this kind of thing do they think of how great the JWP vs Zaha wind up was at all or does it just never cross their mind?’

‘Looks like we’ll be getting united in the final, won 3 nil at forest.’

‘Newcastle do seem to be getting the run of the ball in many games I’ve seen… the press want them to win, deserve to get to the final apparently. Well they’ve been a terrible football club for the last 20 odd years. They deserve sweet FA. Think luck may desert them next Tuesday. Having spent many weekends watching saints in Newcastle, trying to survive the spinning dance floor on the now gone, tuxedo princess, I’ve loads of respect for their fans but Christ, they’ve some right bell.nds who have appeared. Shame really.’

‘Four blocks of tickets pretty much sold out for the away leg. They’ve opened half of a 5th block (L7H) which is slowly selling. Decent backing considering theres train strikes the day after.’

‘The final has already been decided, the refs just have to make sure it goes plan, Saints and nfc are not part of the plan.

We are playing better but we are not good enough to beat a team + ref team. My Manu friend was livid at the reffing of our game, angrier than me over the bias decisions, i told him i expected it and it happens so often i just shrug and accept the corrupt PL.

So very bias decisions….

yellow card for time wasting on kwp, Yet none for nc after they went in the lead and took forever to take the free kick. Card insured kwp had to be cautious.

Pope clatteting dj. Card all day long

AA getting shoved in the back, causing the hand to ball, Var jumping in when ref played on.’

‘Or we can actually look at what really happened – we didn’t score through an Adams clear chance, and got done down the side to concede a goal.

The referee didn’t cause any of that. The two VAR calls were correct, their one was disallowed correctly and so was our one – Armstrong made a hash of his first attempt.

There is no agenda against Southampton, we are a nondescript club to everyone outside of our fanbase so any thought of an agenda is a bit laughable.’

‘How are the sales getting on for the away leg ?

Because i’ve already bought a ticket i cant view what’s left from the allocation.’

‘(On Thursday 26 January) Only 2000 sold so far apparently.’

‘Good atmosphere and a pretty good game against a side who are obviously well-oiled and playing with a lot of confidence.

It was great to hear our fans singing with such gusto and variety of songs for a change.

That’s two games in a row where we’ve survived an onslaught, got on top and then conceded against the run of play. It gives hope but is really frustrating

Clearly we weren’t clinical enough but to fair nor were they. They overloaded us on both flanks and could have scored more.

The tie is not over. Jones will send them out next Tuesday to have a right go. I’m just hoping some toon complacency and a Man City repeat will see us make Wembley.’

‘I’ve always though that a taunt like Murphys is childish and out-of-line. By all means try and humiliate or belittle an opponent with skill or strength – but the prolonged waving off was poor. Caleta-Car showed good restraint. I’ll be hoping Murphy gets clattered in the return leg… long as it doesn’t draw a red card!’

‘Who would have been responsible for picking up Lintons runs? 3 or 4 times he had a free run into the box.’

‘Side note, didn’t take Newcastle fans long to become arrogant and complacent. Shame, used to enjoy our games as they had some proper football folk. Sure they’re still there, but a lot seem to be mimicking Chelsea levels of entitlement.’

‘The premier league and top level football in general has zero morals. Fans have morals until it happens to them, and then they rub it in everyone elses faces.

Well done Newcastle for being minted. I personally, have zero time for sh.t like this.

It’s all just money, it’s not even a game anymore just a business or a billionaires plaything or a marketing opportunity for a totalitarian regime to sportswash.’

‘If Newcastle fans are turning into this, based on dirty oil money with blood on its hands then we can all hope they just turn into another Everton, that would be a healthy dose of karma.’

‘Newcastle where far better at this phase of the game as they were on a couple of occasions when they played swift balls from free kicks as we dozed off.

Whilst disappointed at the result, I thought it was a decent game to watch and a relatively good performance by the Saints against a side of the up, thanks to a shed load of investment.’