The Everest betting 2023: Wagering to shut down for several hours
The Everest betting 2023: Wagering to shut down for several hours

Racing NSW stewards will order all wagering operators to shut down betting on the TAB Everest from just after 10am Tuesday morning until the barrier draw is revealed on Tuesday night.

Stewards conduct The Everest barrier draw in camera and once that is completed, instruct wagering operators to cease trading for the rest of the day.

This means there is about a 10-hour window where punters will not be able to invest on The Everest before the barrier draw is announced at a special function being held on the super yacht, The Jackson, on Sydney Harbour just after 8pm.

Racing NSW chief steward Steve Railton said the decision to stop Everest betting for the day was usual practice and designed as a precaution to protect the integrity of the barrier draw process until it is made public.

TAB fixed odds currently has the Peter Moody-trained I Wish I Win at the $4 favourite ahead of Think About It at $4.50 and Private Eye at $6 just prior to Everest betting being closed for the rest of the day.

The barrier draw will be shown live on Sky Thoroughbred Central (ch528) from 8pm.