The plight of expat workers at KPMG Saudi Arabia

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The plight of expat workers at KPMG Saudi Arabia

Danie de Waal, a director at KPMG Saudi Arabia, died suddenly on June 13. His death came just days after he was fired and told to leave the country by the end of June. De Waals worked for KPPG for more than 20 years. Expat expats at the Big Four accountancy firm's Riyadh office are living in fear of being fired. They say unethical employment practices at their company are commonplace. They are also worried about their personal safety. K PMPG claims its values are adopted throughout its international network. It is not clear if DeWaals' death was a suicide.

KPMG fired several expats from Saudi Arabia without cause. The expat lifestyle in the kingdom was attractive. Several of the expatriates were fired with no reason. They were cut off from financial resources with two days' notice. Some of them had moved their entire families to the Middle East. They had enrolled their children in local schools. One of those interviewed felt like he had been suddenly "put out on the scrapheap". The company applied a local labour rule, Article 77. It enables an employer to instantly fire someone without reason and cancel their work and residency permits.

The FT interviewed 10 people who worked for KPMG Saudi Arabia. They were dismissed and they were threatened by senior management. The fear for their personal safety was shared by all of them. K PMG has close ties to the Saudi government. It is possible that levers of the state could be pulled if they pushed back against the firm.

Several former employees of KPMG Saudi Arabia say they were under surveillance by the company. They claim they weren't paid their salaries and bonuses in full. Some of them took legal action to recoup their losses. KPGM Saudi says it takes the allegations seriously. It claims it creates a safe environment for its employees. It is committed to keeping people matters as a top priority. The firm claims to have robust processes to deal with complaints and grievances. it is also committed. to review and enhance its processes based on feedback from its people. the statement added. "At K PMG we create a. safe and mutual trust and respect, based. on mutual respect and trust, where our people can fulfil their potential."

KPMG Saudi Arabia has problems because of its structure. It is a network of firms operating under the same brand but managed in each country by a local chief executive and chair. This makes each local partnership more independent and harder for KPMg International to control. The merger between KPGM's Saudi business and Lower Gulf practice collapsed last year. Some of the ex-employees are speaking out to prevent other professionals from facing similar abusive practices in the country. De Waal's death shortly after his employment was terminated was the tipping point.

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The plight of expat workers at KPMG Saudi Arabia is highlighted.

The plight of expat workers at KPMG Saudi Arabia is being discussed.