Under Paxton, Texas is rapidly becoming an Orwellian dystopia (Opinion)

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Under Paxton, Texas is rapidly becoming an Orwellian dystopia (Opinion)

Ken Paxton's office requested a list of transgender Texans from DPS based on driver license records.

Paxton's office is trying to gather data on Texans who changed their gender on their government records. This is a violation of privacy rights and endangers the lives of law-abiding citizens. The Chronicle barely reported the story. Aletha Evert, Houston, thinks Texas is rapidly becoming an Orwellian dystopia.

The attorney general's office should tell us why they requested the information and what they plan on doing with it.

There is a milestone advance in the science of successful stable fusion energy. It is on par with the Wright brothers' first flight, landing on the moon, the development of a polio vaccine and the discovery of fire. The implications could mean the creation of clean renewable energy, perhaps saving the world climate. O. Gonzalez predicts that lobbyists will influence our congressmen and representatives to convince them of the bad idea fusion power.

Carlos Correa's contract with the Giants is the fifth-highest all-time. People boo the Astros because of their poor performance in 2017. The Giants are a dynasty in the making with great pitching, top-of-the-line coaching and a realistic payroll. They hope to be better than the Houston Astros this year.