Understanding the types of College Football Bets

Understanding the types of College Football Bets

College football betting is a different animal compared to NFL and is becoming popular in wagering platforms worldwide in recent years.

Under the same, bettors can predict whether if for instance, the Navy will beat Notre Dame or the latter in their game scheduled to be on the 26th of next month. Considerately, a bettor can predict the outcome and place a wager in many different approaches in such a game.

These approaches include moneyline, over/under, and point spread. Utilizing these wagering options compiled with college football predictions, the potential for positive betting outcomes is guaranteed to a bettor.

Spread bet 

In NFL, the spread bet is a popular wager. Similarly, the same is true in college football. Accordingly, a spread bet balances the likelihood of winning a stake.

Since college football games occur from weekdays to weekends, the spread or line is often made days before. However, these release dates may vary. A ‘+’ will be placed next to the spread for an underdog squad, while a ‘-’ will be placed next to the spread for a favorite team.

For instance, according to Insiders Betting Digest NCAAF odds, Navy and Notre Dame Spreads are +20 -110 and -20 -110, respectively. In the bet, the -110 is the vigorish or vig, which can be viewed as the fee bookmakers charge for a bet. If a bettor wagers on the Navy, they must prevail or lose by fewer than 20 points for a successful wager. Conversely, wagering on Notre Dame means that they win by more than 20 points for a positive outcome.


The Moneyline eliminates the spread by allowing bettors to select the winner they believe the game will have. The payoff for betting on either side will be shown by different odds adjacent to each team.

For a hypothetical example, Navy and Notre Dame Moneylines are +150 and -200, respectively. A 200-dollar bet on Notre Dame will result in a 100-dollar payout for the bettor. Contrarily, a bettor would profit $150 if they placed a $100 wager on the Navy.

Since many matchups happen on the weekends from Friday to Sunday, bettors can make straightforward bets by picking the team that would win.


Over/Under is another well-liked side wager in college football. Under the same, a bet is made on whether the total number of points achieved by every squad will exceed or fall short of the prediction made by the bookmakers.

For a hypothetical instance, Ohio and SDSU had a combined total of 35.5 in the upcoming game. In this instance, one can wager on if the aggregate points of both teams will be under or over 35.5. If one sees the total scored points of both teams to be 36, they will wager on over. Conversely, if one’s gut or analysis predicts a combined point of 35 or less, that would be an underbet.

Conclusively, setting yourself up to wager on college football can be a thrilling experience. However, comprehending the few basics of college football betting before diving right in is mindful. This will help you grasp what the spread, money line and over/under betting options entail before placing a wager on the upcoming games. Above all, sticking to the plan by adhering to responsible betting is crucial to ensure a positive betting encounter.