Who is the greatest Formula 1 driver of all time?

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Who is the greatest Formula 1 driver of all time?

This examination forms the foundation for our simulator, which synthesizes key metrics such as average ranking, P1 winning percentage, head-to-head performance, comparison against teammates, and comparison against nearby drivers. According to this recent study, on Applied Economics, contrary to popular perception, the study reveals that these factors actually account for a 20% success rate, slightly lower than previously believed. What truly stands out is the undeniable significance of the driver's input, which commands a weight of 15%. In order to ensure accuracy, we assign equal weightage to all these factors. Admittedly, we acknowledge that the weighting itself may be subjective, as not everyone would assign identical importance to each factor. However, by utilizing our simulator, you can explore various GOAT outcomes based on your own preferences and assigned weights.

1. Lewis Hamilton

Why he could be the GOAT :

  • Lewis Hamilton boasts the most podium world records in Formula 1.
  • He maintains the best average race ranking with consistently exceptional performances, especially with his number of top-5 finishes.
  • When it comes to head-to-head competitions, Hamilton's score is simply off the charts, showcasing his dominance on the track.

Based on our weighted analysis, Lewis Hamilton emerges as the epitome of greatness among Formula 1 drivers. Despite not holding the record for the most world championships (a distinction he shares with Michael Schumacher, both having achieved seven titles), Hamilton surpasses all others when considering many factors that facilitate cross-era comparisons within modern Formula 1.

Hamilton's remarkable consistency throughout his career sets him apart as a force to be reckoned with. He has consistently secured a prominent position throughout his past 316 Formula 1 races, averaging an impressive finish at 4.76. This outstanding achievement places him among the crème de la crème of drivers, consistently ranking within the top 5 competitors.

Hamilton holds the most podiums in the history of Formula 1

2. Max Verstappen

Why he could be the GOAT :

  • According to the official Formula 1 website, Max Verstappen is the youngest driver to ever start a Grand Prix at 17 years and 166 days.
  • In the 2016 Spanish Grand Prix, Max Verstappen achieved a remarkable feat by surpassing Vettel as Formula 1's youngest Grand Prix winner.

Max Verstappen, the unrivaled force on the 2023 grid, reigns supreme as the highest-paid driver. According to a trusted source in Racing News 2023, Red Bull's willingness to shell out a hefty sum for Max's services speaks volumes about his unparalleled racing prowess. It is no surprise that the Dutchman claims the throne of top earners, with his astronomical contract poised to shower him with a jaw-dropping $55 million in 2023 alone.

Yet, despite his formidable talents, Max Verstappen cannot claim the accolade of the youngest Formula 1 world driver champion. That prestigious title belongs to Sebastian Vettel, who accomplished the feat at a mere 23 in 2010.

Furthermore, when thrust into a thrilling rivalry with the emerging star Max Verstappen, Lewis Hamilton's brilliance radiates even more brightly. In a captivating head-to-head clash, Hamilton consistently outshines Verstappen, outperforming him by a remarkable margin of 2.73 places on average. This compelling comparison unearths Hamilton's unrivaled track mastery, solidifying his status as an unequivocal legend within motorsport.

3. Michael Schumacher

Why he could be the GOAT :

  • Michael Schumacher's head-to-head score was second only to Lewis Hamilton. According to Alonso, Michael Schumacher never underperformed and never had a bad day, cementing his reputation as a consistently outstanding driver.
  • Schumacher holds the unique distinction of being the only driver in F1 history to achieve a 100 percent podium finishing rate in a single season, specifically in the 2002 season. This extraordinary achievement earned him the highest standardized points total in the history of Formula 1.

Meanwhile, the debate surrounding the greatest driver of all time often brings Michael Schumacher into the conversation. However, when examining their respective performance records, it becomes evident that Hamilton surpasses the esteemed Schumacher. Despite Schumacher's undeniable talent, he concludes his races with an average placement of 6.87, trailing behind Hamilton's remarkable consistency. It's worth noting that both Schumacher and Hamilton have amassed over 300 Formula 1 races, further emphasizing Hamilton's exceptional achievements in the sport.

4. Fernando Alonso

Why he could be the GOAT :

  • Fernando Alonso has the longest tenure in this sport, with over 366 races under his belt.
  • When considering the frequency of races, Alonso boasts the best race ranking, showcasing his consistency and exceptional performance throughout his career.

In 2022, a monumental deal was struck as Fernando Alonso inked a contract with none other than Aston Martin. Fast forward to the present season, and it's abundantly clear that Alonso is truly living up to the hype. With his stellar performances and unwavering dedication, we'll probably be witnessing Alonso's remarkable presence on the grid for the foreseeable future. Not only does he have a shot at securing a spot among the top 3 in the World Driver Championship, but his remarkable achievements are also reinvigorating the status of Aston Martin within the F1 realm.

But that's not all. If the Spanish maestro maintains his exceptional form and consistently delivers jaw-dropping performances over the next few seasons, there's no denying he could emerge as an underdog F1 GOAT (Greatest of All Time). Our insider analysis, backed by an insightful head-to-head score chart, highlights the immense potential that lies within Alonso's grasp. By extrapolating his current performance, we envision a future filled with continued excellence and captivating feats.

Other drivers in the neighborhood

While Sebastian Vettel has undoubtedly achieved remarkable success, including winning four consecutive World Championships with Red Bull Racing, his average finish ranking is only at 7th place, and he has a 17% P1 winning percentage throughout his career.

Alain Prost is known for his exceptional technical understanding and strategic approach; Prost showcased remarkable consistency and racecraft throughout his career. His intense rivalry in the late 1980s and early 1990s with Ayrton Senna, who has won three World Championships, is legendary and is often considered one of the most iconic rivalries in motorsport history. Tragically, Senna died in a fatal accident during the 1994 San Marino Grand Prix, profoundly impacting the motorsport community and cementing his status as a true legend of the sport.

While Prost has the highest head-to-head score of all time, his average race ranking still can't beat the consistent driving performance that Hamilton has been delivering.

Niki Lauda also won three World Championships and is widely regarded as one of the greatest drivers in Formula 1 history. Despite great recognition and a remarkable comeback following the accident in 1976, where he suffered life-threatening burns, like Prost, Lauda doesn't hold a great record for his average race ranking, finishing mostly higher than 10th place throughout his career.

Find out who the GOAT is based on your own input

At Insider, we understand that opinions about the weight of factors determining the Greatest of All Time (GOAT) in motorsport can vary greatly. That's why we've developed a cutting-edge model to settle the debate once and for all. Our model takes into account five essential factors that contribute to a driver's greatness:

  • P1 winning percentage: The ratio of first-place finishes to total races completed.


  • Head-to-head winning percentage: A comprehensive analysis of a driver's win-loss record against all competitors.


  • Compared to teammates percentage: An evaluation of a driver's win-loss record specifically against their teammate.


  • Against nearby drivers' percentage: A closer look at win-loss records against drivers starting in adjacent positions (+1/-1).


  • Average race ranking: A measure of a driver's consistent performance based on their average finishing position.


Using our model, you can tailor the weight given to each factor to determine who truly deserves the title of the greatest driver. Simply toggle the slide to adjust the weight scale and discover the ultimate verdict.

Our Methodology

Our comprehensive study spans from 1973 to 2023, encompassing decades of thrilling races and remarkable performances. We set a minimum threshold of 50 races for inclusion to ensure accuracy, excluding drivers with limited data.

While our analysis takes changes in the scoring system into account (as seen in Schumacher's standardized score chart), the modern racers still have an advantage with more races in a season, providing increased opportunities to score points and improve their ranking.

Our standardized scoring system gives ​​the 1st place finisher '10', 2nd place '6', 3rd place '4', 4th place '3', 5th place '2', and 6th place '1'; this ultimately reduces the bias on the scoring system that has been changed several times throughout the history of formula1.

Through rigorous analysis, we've identified five key factors that provide valuable insights into evaluating the performance of Formula 1 drivers over time. These factors include winning percentage (P1), head-to-head score, compared to teammate score, against nearby +1/-1 score, and average finished race ranking. Each element has been carefully chosen for its relevance and fairness in assessing a driver's prowess.

The winning percentage (P1) factor counts the number of race victories, serving as a testament to a driver's success. Meanwhile, the head-to-head score delves into the intricate dynamics of victories and defeats for each driver. For instance, in Lewis Hamilton's debut race in 2007, he garnered a commendable '19' score, finishing third, so he missed out on a potential two additional points.

The compared-to-teammate score employs a head-to-head algorithm, focusing exclusively on performance against the teammate in each race. This factor levels the playing field, as both drivers have nearly identical cars and fewer variables stemming from team strategies. Similarly, the against-nearby-drivers score also employs the head-to-head algorithm, but it evaluates a driver's record against opponents starting within +1 or -1 positions. This factor illuminates a driver's ability to navigate through competitors who are in close proximity, showcasing their skill and ability to outmaneuver rivals.

To gauge the consistency of drivers' performances throughout their careers, we turn to the average race ranking. This factor provides invaluable insights by comparing each driver's record against their own achievements.

In pursuit of the most balanced and reasonable results, we have assigned specific weights to each factor. The P1 winning percentage carries a weight of 10%, while the head-to-head winning percentage and the compared-to-teammate percentage each hold a weight of 15%. The against-nearby-drivers score is assigned a weight of 10%, and the average race ranking takes the lion's share with a weight of 50%.



Reporting: Chay Thawaranont, Cork Gaines

Design and development: Chay Thawaranont, Tyler Le

Design Editing: Kazi Awal, William Varner, Jenny Chang-Rodriguez

Data Advisory: Walter Hickey, Neil Paine for Insider