BCB After Dark: Are you coming, Michael Conforto? Chicago Cubs

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BCB After Dark: Are you coming, Michael Conforto? Chicago Cubs

BCB After Dark is a late-night get-together for night owls, early risers, new parents and Cubs fans abroad. Last week, Dansby Swanson signed with the Cubs. John Coltrane recorded “My Favorite Things” before it was a Christmas song. He plays a live version of it with McCoy Tyner on piano, Jimmy Garrison on bass and Elvin Jones on drums. He also talks about jazz and movies. The last question is about baseball. You can skip ahead to the baseball question. It's not about the question at the end. it's about John John. Jack Jones is still alive. he sang the Love Boat theme song and is credited with making it a holiday song, so he's alive too.

The Big Heat is a movie about a cop who goes rogue and fights against the mob. Robert Ryan plays Bill Stoker, a boxer who takes a dive to win a match. The Set-Up is based on a poem by Joseph Moncure March. It also stars Alexander Scourby, Jeanette Nolan and Jocelyn Brando. It's one of the few American movies directed by Fritz Lang that is on par with his German films. He also directed The Public Enemy. There's a great shoot-out at the end of this movie. In The Big Hot, Ford's character is trying to uncover the truth and break the corrupt hold that the town has on his small town.

Michael Conforto is a free agent and a possible target for the Cubs. Bruce Levine predicts that the team will sign him. The winner of the game will be announced later that evening. The Big Heat or The Set-up is the movie you have to vote for. It's a contest between The Night of The Hunter (1955) and Touch of Evil (58). It was written, directed and starring Orson Welles, Charlton Heston and Janet Leigh. They are both directed by Charles Laughton. You have until Wednesday evening to choose. For the other question, you can choose between the movies The Outsider (1960) or the World War II film The Third World (1856).

Rockies are interested in signing free agent outfielder Michael Conforto.

Michael Conforto is talking to a number of teams about a short-term contract. He missed all of this season with a shoulder injury.

BCB After Dark is happy to welcome everyone. They ask about the Chicago Cubs and Michael Conforto.