Best Bangladesh Cricket Betting Site
Best Bangladesh Cricket Betting Site

Place your bets with Jaya11 and experience the thrill of sports betting like never before.

This in-depth article is your guide to the best betting sites in Bangladesh. It covers all you need to know about online cricket betting in Bangladesh, the legal status of online gambling in South Asia, commonly accepted payment methods for deposits and withdrawals, betting offers and bonuses, and the best cricket website available to punters in the country.

Best Cricket Betting Sites in Bangladesh

When it comes to cricket betting, choosing the right platform is crucial. Online sports betting has seen a significant rise in popularity in recent years, and Bangladesh is no exception. With a growing number of cricket enthusiasts looking to place their wagers, it's important to find a betting site that offers a seamless and secure betting experience. 

8mbets is a popular cricket betting site known for its user-friendly interface and wide range of betting options. Whether you're a seasoned bettor or just starting out, 8mbets caters to all levels of expertise. The site offers competitive odds and a responsive customer support team, ensuring users have a smooth and enjoyable betting experience. With a growing number of cricket betting enthusiasts in Bangladesh, 8mbets has earned a reputation for reliability and trustworthiness.

If you're looking for a site that offers a diverse selection of sports to bet on, Jaya11 is worth considering. Along with cricket, Jaya11 covers a range of popular sports and provides competitive odds for each. Their user-friendly platform makes it easy to navigate through different betting markets, ensuring a seamless betting experience. Jaya11 has gained a loyal following among cricket bettors in Bangladesh, thanks to its wide range of sports offerings and attractive odds.

For those seeking a visually appealing and immersive betting experience, Marvelbet ticks all the boxes. With a sleek design and intuitive navigation, this site makes it easy to explore various cricket betting options. From pre-match to live betting, Marvelbet offers a wide range of markets and odds to suit every cricket fan. The site's commitment to providing a visually stunning and user-friendly platform has made it a popular choice among cricket enthusiasts in Bangladesh.


Melbet is a well-established name in the world of online sports betting, and their cricket offerings are no exception. With competitive odds, an extensive selection of cricket matches, and a user-friendly interface, Melbet provides a reliable platform for Bangladesh’s bettors looking to place their wagers. The site's reputation for fairness and transparency has earned it a loyal customer base in Bangladesh, with cricket fans trusting Melbet for their betting needs.

Babu88 is a cricket betting site that prides itself on its commitment to privacy and security. With a focus on customer satisfaction, Babu88 ensures a smooth betting experience backed by prompt customer support. Their wide selection of cricket matches and attractive odds make them a popular choice among cricket enthusiasts in Bangladesh. Babu88's dedication to maintaining the privacy and security of its users has contributed to its growing popularity in the country.


Crickex is a cutting-edge betting platform that combines a user-friendly interface with innovative features. With a wide array of cricket betting options and favorable odds, Crickex caters to both casual bettors and seasoned professionals. The site's commitment to fair play and transparency has earned it a loyal customer base in Bangladesh. Cricket fans appreciate Crickex's intuitive platform, which offers a seamless betting experience for both novice and experienced bettors alike.

Mostplay is a one-stop destination for sports enthusiasts looking to bet on their favorite cricket matches. With a wide range of betting markets and competitive odds, Mostplay ensures that every cricket fan finds something to suit their preferences. The site's intuitive platform offers a seamless betting experience for both novice and experienced bettors alike. Mostplay has gained popularity among cricket enthusiasts in Bangladesh, thanks to its extensive selection of betting options and attractive odds.


Rajabaji is a trusted betting site that provides a user-friendly interface and an extensive range of cricket betting options. With competitive odds and various markets to choose from, Rajabaji caters to the diverse needs of cricket bettors in Bangladesh. The site's commitment to delivering a seamless betting experience has earned it a loyal following. Cricket enthusiasts appreciate Rajabaji's user-friendly platform, which allows them to explore different betting options and increase their chances of winning.

Marvel Bet

Marvel Bet stands out for its robust betting platform and a wide range of cricket betting opportunities. From pre-match to live betting, Marvel Bet covers it all. With attractive odds, secure transactions, and a dedicated customer support team, Marvel Bet has become a go-to platform for cricket enthusiasts in Bangladesh. The site's commitment to providing a reliable and enjoyable betting experience has contributed to its growing popularity in the country.


With its extensive selection of sports and user-friendly interface, Betwinner offers a comprehensive betting experience for cricket fans in Bangladesh. Along with competitive odds, Betwinner provides a range of betting options, allowing bettors to explore different markets and increase their chances of winning. The site's commitment to customer satisfaction and user-friendly platform have made it a popular choice among cricket enthusiasts in Bangladesh.

Why Should Place Cricket Betting Compare With Other Sports Betting Games in Bangladesh?

Cricket betting offers several unique features that set it apart from other sports betting games.

Cricket, often referred to as the "gentleman's game," has a rich history and a dedicated fan base that spans across continents. With its unique characteristics, cricket betting provides an exhilarating experience for casual and professional bettors.

Wide Range of Betting Markets in Bangladesh

Unlike other sports, cricket offers many betting markets to choose from. Whether you want to bet on the outcome of a match, individual player performances, or even the number of boundaries, the options are endless.

For instance, you can place cricket bets on the highest run-scorer, the number of wickets taken by a bowler, or even the method of dismissal. These diverse markets allow bettors to explore different strategies and find their niche in the cricket betting world.

Lengthy Matches

Cricket matches can last several days, giving bettors ample time to analyze the game and make informed decisions. This extended duration creates thrilling opportunities for in-play betting and keeps the excitement alive.

During a multi-day test match, the momentum can shift dramatically, providing bettors with numerous chances to capitalize on the ever-changing dynamics of the game. This extended format also allows for strategic betting, where bettors can assess the pitch conditions, weather forecasts, and player form before placing their wagers.

Unpredictable Nature

Cricket is known for its unpredictability, making it an enticing sport to bet on. No matter how convincing a team's form may be, there's always a chance for an upset. This element of surprise keeps the betting experience full of twists and turns.

From unexpected batting collapses to miraculous comebacks, cricket has witnessed some of the most thrilling moments in sports history. This unpredictability adds an extra layer of excitement to cricket betting, as even the underdogs have the potential to emerge victorious.

Most Popular Cricket Bet Types

Now that we've explored the best betting sites, let's delve into the different types of bets you can place on cricket matches. Understanding these bet types will not only enhance your betting experience but also increase your chances of making informed decisions:

Match Bets

Match bets are the most common type of cricket bet, where you predict the outcome of a single match. You can bet on which team will win, whether the match will end in a draw, or even predict the top run-scorer or wicket-taker.

Series Bets

Series bets involve predicting the outcome of an entire series, rather than individual matches. This type of bet offers a longer-term betting opportunity and allows you to assess teams' performance over multiple games.

Handicap Bets

Handicap bets provide an equalizing factor by giving an advantage or disadvantage to one of the teams. This allows you to bet on the margin of victory or loss, rather than just the outright result.

Over/Under Bets

Over/Under bets involve predicting whether a particular statistic (such as runs, wickets, or boundaries) will be over or under a specified number. It adds an extra layer of excitement to the game, as you can bet on the performance of individual players or teams.

Prop Bets

Prop bets, short for proposition bets, allow you to bet on specific events that may occur during a game. These can range from predicting the number of sixes hit, the method of dismissal, or even the number of runs scored in a particular over.

Live bets, as the name suggests, are placed while a match is in progress. This type of betting allows you to take advantage of the shifting dynamics of the game, making it an exciting and interactive way to bet on cricket.

How To Bet on Cricket in Bangladesh?

How to bet on cricket in Bangladesh is a straightforward process with a few key steps to follow:

1. Choose a Reputable Cricket Betting Site

Start by selecting a trustworthy and reliable cricket betting site. Look for platforms that offer a wide range of markets, competitive odds, and secure payment options. Additionally, check for user reviews and ratings to ensure a positive betting experience.

Once you've chosen a site, register an account by providing the necessary information. This typically includes your name, email address, and a secure password. Some sites may also require additional verification steps.

3. Deposit Funds

Next, deposit funds into your account using the available payment methods. Popular options include credit/debit cards, e-wallets, and bank transfers. Ensure that the site provides secure transactions and protects your financial information.

4. Explore the Betting Options

After funding your account, browse through the available cricket matches and markets. Familiarize yourself with the betting options, odds, and any special promotions or bonuses offered by the site.

5. Place Your Bets

Once you've selected your desired bet, enter the stake amount and click on the 'Place Bet' button. Double-check your selections and confirm the bet. Sit back, relax, and enjoy the thrill of the game while awaiting the outcome.

Downloading and installing a cricket betting app on your mobile device allows you to stay connected and bet on the go. Follow these steps:

1. Find a Reputable App

Search for a trusted cricket betting app compatible with your device's operating system. Look for apps offered by reputable bookmakers or dedicated betting platforms.

Visit the official app store for your device, such as the Apple App Store or Google Play Store. Search for the cricket betting app you identified and click on the download button to initiate the installation.

3. Install and Set Up

Once the download is complete, open the app and follow the on-screen instructions to install and set it up. This usually involves accepting terms and conditions, creating an account if you haven't already, and logging in to the app.

4. Explore the App

Take some time to familiarize yourself with the app's layout, navigation, and available features. Explore the betting options, markets, live scores, and any other functionalities the app may offer.

5. Start Betting

Once you feel comfortable with the app, you can start placing bets on your favorite cricket matches right from the convenience of your mobile device. Enjoy the convenience and excitement of mobile betting anytime, anywhere.

To improve your chances of winning in cricket betting, consider implementing these effective strategies:

  • Research and Analyze: Before placing your bets, conduct thorough research on both teams, individual players, pitch conditions, and head-to-head records. Analyze past performances and statistics to make informed betting decisions.
  • The outcome of the toss can significantly impact the match result, especially in limited-overs formats. Stay updated with the toss result and consider its influence on your betting strategy.
  • Assess Weather Conditions: Weather conditions can drastically affect a cricket match. Certain conditions favor specific playing styles or bowling techniques. Keep an eye on the weather forecast and adjust your bets accordingly.


In conclusion, cricket betting in Bangladesh offers a thrilling and rewarding experience for sports enthusiasts. By choosing the best cricket betting site and employing effective strategies, you can enhance your chances of winning and make the most out of your betting journey. 


What Is the difference between pre-match betting and in-play betting?

Pre-match betting allows you to place bets on a cricket match before it starts, while in-play betting enables you to bet on various aspects of the game while it's in progress.

Are cricket apps safe to use?

Yes, cricket apps provided by reputable bookmakers or licensed betting platforms are generally safe to use, ensuring secure transactions and protecting your personal and financial information.

How to claim cricket betting welcome bonus from a cricket betting site in Bangladesh?

To claim a cricket betting welcome bonus, register an account on the chosen betting site, make a qualifying deposit, and follow the specified instructions to redeem your bonus.

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