F1 Rate the Race: 2023 Mexican Grand Prix

F1 Rate the Race: 2023 Mexican Grand Prix

What did you think of today’s race? Share your verdict on the Mexican Grand Prix.

RaceFans has held polls on every F1 race since 2008 to find out which fans thought of each round of the season.

Join in the latest poll and give your verdict on the race: 10 being the highest and 1 the lowest. Please vote based on how entertaining and exciting you thought the race was, not on how your preferred driver or team performed.

What were the best and worst moments of the race? What was the main thing you’ll remember about it? Rate the race out of ten and leave a comment below:

1 = ‘Terrible’, 10 = ‘Perfect’

A RaceFans account is required to vote. You can register an account here or . When this poll is closed the result will be displayed instead of the voting form.