Sergei Pavlovich v Tom Aspinall UFC 295 Betting Tips
Sergei Pavlovich v Tom Aspinall UFC 295 Betting Tips

UFC 295 at Madison Square Garden promises a heavyweight showdown for the ages as knockout artists Sergei Pavlovich and Tom Aspinall vie for the interim heavyweight crown. With both fighters boasting the ability to end a bout with a single strike, fight fans are in for a thrilling spectacle from the very start.

Pavlovich vs Aspinall UFC 295 fight preview

Sergei Pavlovich


Tom Aspinall

Sergei Pavlovich (19-1-0) is a no-nonsense brawler known for his devastating power, with five consecutive round-one knockout victories to his name. The Russian’s approach is straightforward: he fearlessly marches at his opponent, launching powerful punches until he finds his mark. While this strategy may be predictable, it’s been highly effective, leaving his recent adversaries on the canvas.

Pavlovich’s emphasis on striking suggests he prefers to keep the fight standing. Despite displaying a solid wrestling foundation, he’ll need to exercise caution against an opponent with a significantly stronger ground game. Charging in recklessly might expose him to takedown opportunities, especially against an adversary boasting exceptional Brazilian jiu-jitsu skills and a variety of submission techniques.

Tom Aspinall (13-3-0) rebounded impressively from a devastating knee injury suffered in the opening moments of his bout against Curtis Blaydes in July 2022. The 30-year-old Brit swiftly returned to form with an early stoppage of Marcin Tybura, signalling his readiness to ascend to the top of the heavyweight division. Although he accepted this bout on short notice following Jon Jones’ injury, Aspinall seems ready to fire on the sport’s grandest stage.

Aspinall’s deceptive speed for a fighter of his size may be a pivotal factor. His footwork and agility could prove crucial in this matchup. He’ll need to utilize lateral movement to counter Pavlovich’s straightforward forward assaults and find openings for his own attack. Exploiting Pavlovich’s aggressive forward momentum with well-timed throws and trips may also be a key strategy to bring the action to the canvas.

Pavlovich vs Aspinall UFC 295 betting predictions

Aspinall appears to have a favourable matchup here. The Englishman’s ability to avoid getting drawn into a slugfest in the early exchanges will be crucial. If he can survive the initial onslaught, his agile, bouncy style should allow him to maintain distance and dictate the pace of the fight, creating opportunities to execute his game plan.