A look into Penn sprint football's recruiting process

A look into Penn sprint football's recruiting process

Amid the bustling energy of Penn Athletics, there's a sport that dances to its own rhythm. 

Sprint football, unique in its recruitment approach, has become a fascinating tale of passion and perseverance. If you frequent The Daily Pennsylvanian's Instagram account or weekly print publication, you may have encountered a recruitment advertisement or two, calling out to former high school athletes to consider sprint football. Unlike other varsity sports, the coaches within sprint football don't travel to spot their next star player. Instead, the players find the game. 

High school coaches, passionate about their students' futures, alert them about Penn sprint football. Eager young athletes, hearing of opportunities, take the first step by reaching out directly to Penn's sprint football administration. Once that line of communication begins, it's more than just gauging their skill on the field. It's about understanding their dreams and their academic aspirations. 

Potential recruits need to excel in the classroom before they can even think of sprinting on the field. But it's not only football skills that the team is after. “We are looking at many types of skill sets — not just football players in high school, but other sports such as basketball, baseball, and track experience are great fits for our program as well,” sport administrator Mike Martin said. 

The team's dynamic is like a jigsaw puzzle. The pieces must fit, not just athletically but positionally. The search isn't just for any player, but for someone who can fill the spaces left behind by injured players, or those who've moved on to focus on their academics. As they progress through this distinct recruitment process, what truly defines their fate? Admission. 

The list of names that get the green light academically is the pool from which the team emerges. Building a team is more than just getting the players together. It's about creating bonds and understanding one another. That's why every freshman is nudged to connect before they even set foot on Locust Walk. Every conversation with the coach is a step closer to understanding the heart of the game and the philosophy behind it.

"We encourage each incoming freshman to reach out to one another prior to arriving on campus to begin building a relationship," Martin said. "I talk to each player when permitted which helps players get to know me as an individual and understand my coaching philosophy."

This year, the field has seen its fair share of challenges. The loss of players due to injuries and academics has left the team with gaps that are waiting to be filled. But every challenge is an opportunity in disguise. 

“We would love to get the word out that Penn sprint football is looking for athletes to join the team in the spring,” Martin further echoed. With hopes high, the program is on the lookout for passionate athletes ready to join their ranks next spring. 

A day of tryouts awaits, with dates soon to be broadcast across social media channels. Regardless of the chaos of the recruitment process, Penn sprint football is still more than ready to make potential history in its next chapter.