Betting on Hulkenberg for GP Canada? This statistic is in his favour
Betting on Hulkenberg for GP Canada? This statistic is in his favour

With the Haas F1, being a driver is certainly no guarantee of finishing in the points. For example, Kevin Magnussen picked up just two points this season, and teammate Nico Hulkenberg captured six (all collected in the Australian Grand Prix, ed). Out of 14 opportunities, a Haas driver finished in the points only three times this season. Judging by the statistics, points will be added in Canada.

Indeed, when Nico Hulkenberg competes in the Montreal Grand Prix, it is a guarantee for points these days. Indeed, since 2014 - when he competes in the Canadian GP - the German always finishes in the top ten and thus the points. "Montreal is one of my favourites," Hulkenberg explained. "It’s a track with a really nice flow and a great mix of street circuit and a race track. Around the track, you can see how much Canada loves Formula 1. The whole city embraces the race and the locals give us a very warm welcome."

There is often snow in Canada

The Canadian Grand Prix is always finished at a fairly remarkable time. While the European part of the season is in full swing, Formula 1 always makes the crossing to North America for one race. Still, the GP of Canada could hardly be held at any other time. "For me, it’s not actually a flyaway race because it’s one of the closest races to get to," says team boss Guenther Steiner. "With Canada, it’s difficult to find a date when it’s not snowing and not in the middle of the European races, as you can’t do it before we start to race in Europe because there’s always a chance it’s still snowing or at least cold there."

Steiner hopes his Haas team can play a significant role in Montreal: "Like always this season, we don’t really know where we stack up, going from race to race, it’s difficult to predict. We’re not only predicting ourselves but we also have to predict our opponents as everything is so close, there’s a lot of competition within a few tenths. We need to go Montreal, do our best and work on our race pace, which was not where we wanted it to be in Spain."