Chase Elliott needs NASCAR slope safety; Clint Bowyer needs casual

Daytona Beach News - Journal
Chase Elliott needs NASCAR slope safety; Clint Bowyer needs casual

Now that Chase Elliott is out due to that hard hit into a snowbank in Vail, is NASCAR considering installing the SAFER Barrier on Colorado slopes and other major resorts for the 2024 NASCAR season?



I like the idea and I’m sure the Boys in R&D are sled-testing some snowboards as we speak. From what I recall of their Central Carolina surroundings, they’re probably subbing red-clay banks for the white stuff. 

But here’s the underlying issue. We don’t know how Chase broke his tibia, and we now pause for a short anatomy lesson for those who’ve forgotten fifth grade …

The tibia is the main shin bone up front, the one you crack when walking behind the truck, forgetting you didn’t remove the trailer hitch (for the vertically challenged, you’re hitting your patella, which sounds like a pasta dish but most certainly isn’t).

Where were we? Oh, the shin bones. 

The tibia’s cousin, the fibula, is the narrower lower-leg bone that ends at your ankle. It’s protected by your calf meat, while the tibia is just out there courting danger.

Their Grandpa Femur is the big ol' hoss up top — the thigh bone. That’s the one Billy Clyde’s daddy, Bill Elliott, broke in a nasty 1996 crash at Talladega.

Anyway, we don’t know if Chase broke his leg navigating a mogul, getting hip-checked into a tree, falling off the lift, or tripping over a waitress’ foot at the Fort Collins Hooters.  

He’s certainly not obligated to tell us, but before the sled-testing and SAFER Barrier work fully ramps up, it’d be nice to know our targeted areas of concern.


I used to love baseball and played as a youth but stopped watching because of the slowness of the game, especially after rapid-paced football and hockey seasons. It's been way too slow.

I'm looking forward to the new rules and will start watching again for the excitement they will bring.

I've watched some spring training games and now I see behind home plate, two security-like camera domes facing downward about 4-5 feet off the ground and separated by about the same distance. 

What are those for? 



Maybe they actually are security cameras, put in place following the Astros’ sign-stealing scandal.

Or, better bet, they’re one of the many technological additions to baseball in recent years, measuring swing angles, pitch velocities, etc. 

So far, the pace-of-play changes have been met with a near-universal thumbs-up, which is surprising when you consider how most folks find problems with change of any sort.

Even us purists, who enjoy the aspect of no clocks in baseball, can’t really argue, since a game can still last a month of Sundays, but at a faster pace — reminiscent of earlier times, by the way. Now, if we can just bring back pitchers with bats, twi-night doubleheaders, and Harry Caray.


I am so glad that you stepped up and wrote the article on why announcers in NASCAR wear suits in the booth. 

When I was involved with Robby Gordon, I always asked the announcers why the suit and tie. They said it was the networks’ desire for them to look professional.

That was over 20 years ago, and against today's casual looks, I guess they are trying to keep the ’80s and ’90s alive. Maybe your column will send a message to the networks to lighten up. 



My goodness, a Robby Gordon reference. It’s been a while.

All I did was print an email from someone encouraging a looser dress code in the booth. I really don’t have a problem with some formality here and there. Listen, the sales folks at Brooks Brothers and J Crew have kids who need to eat, too.

— Reach Ken Willis at [email protected]