Company fined £140,000 after horror accident saw man burnt by ladle of molten metal

Manchester Evening News
Company fined £140,000 after horror accident saw man burnt by ladle of molten metal

A worker ended up in a coma after becoming trapped by a red-hot ladleful of molten metal in a horrific freak accident.

Colin Hardman, a 64-year-old foundryman, suffered a heart attack and a stroke as a result of the agonising burns but has survived against the odds.

He has also suffered some brain damage affecting his memory severly.

A Manchester Crown Court Health and Safety Executive prosecution heard that he will spend the rest of his days as an invalid after the accident at Presbar Diecastings, Store Street, Manchester, on the morning of April 29.

Mr Hardman was a keen cyclist and charity fundraiser who was looking forward to an active retirement when tragedy struck at the forge, which is close to Piccadilly railway station.

Now Presbar Diecasting Ltd, which makes aluminium mouldings and has an average turnover of £9m, has been fined £140,000 for a health and safety breach, plus nearly £10,000 costs. Through its lawyer Stuart Denney QC, the 45-year-old firm made a ‘public apology’ to Mr Hardman, who worked there for 12 years.

Manchester Crown Court heard that it is believed Mr Hardman, from Salford, was injured as he tried to clean some spillage from the floor by a machine at the forge.

Ordinarily, a worker attempting this would stop the machine and approach it from the back.

However Mr Hardman approached the machine from the operational side, and it is not clear whether he actually pressed the stop button.

The court heard he may have thought he had time to nip in and clean the area before the device which trapped him completed its cycle, but his memory is so badly affected in the wake of the accident he cannot say what happened.

The machine has a robotic arm which scoops metal - at a temperature of 700C - into moulds. The robotic arm trapped Mr Hardman against the machine when he approached, leaving him with the searing ladle pressed against his back and his feet raised off the floor.

“The burns were very, very severe”, prosecutor Adrian Farrow said. “Despite the best efforts of his colleagues, it took some time for Mr Hardman to be freed. He was rendered unconscious at the scene, taken to hospital, suffered a cardiac arrest and a stroke.

“He was in hospital for some 20 days or so, he was in a coma for some considerable time. It was thought that he may lose his life for some time, he developed a virus within the burns unit, and indeed the aftermath is such that he has suffered some brain damage.

“He has now moved into sheltered accommodation where he is likely to have to remain, particularly because of his memory problems. His brother says if he were to go out freely, he might not find his way back. He was, prior to this, an extremely fit and active man.”

The company’s sentencing heard it was a ‘respectable’ firm with a good health and safety record.

But there was no fencing preventing workers from approaching the machine in the way Mr Hardman did, placing not just him at risk, but seven other employees who performed the same tasks. Extra fencing has since been put in place.

Fining the company, Judge Robert Atherton said: “For some reason, and I’m afraid it will always be a mystery, Mr Hardman didn’t isolate (the machine) or stop it. I think, on the balance of probabilities, he thought he had pressed it, because that’s what he always did, and on this occasion sadly he hadn’t pressed it

“For some reason which may never be known he went between the pot and the machinery rather than to the far side of it, and tragically came into contact with the robotic arm and was trapped. The heat was tremendous, and he suffered very, very serious burns.”

Addressing the company’s breach concerning the preventative fencing, the judge added: “It’s fitting this company has publicly apologised to him. If one could turn back time, everyone would do.”