Five Thoughts on the (Indefinite) Death of Bedlam Football

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Five Thoughts on the (Indefinite) Death of Bedlam Football

Oklahoma is leaving Bedlam football. The series has been going since 1904. Oklahoma made its intentions of joining the SEC known last summer.

The Bedlam football game is being discontinued. It was the most important sporting event of the year for him as a child. He is sad that kids growing up in Oklahoma won't get a chance to know what it's like.

There are three nonconference football games between Oklahoma State, Texas and Nebraska. The decision on whether to play them is sport-by-sport. It's possible that Bedlam football may be discontinued. There is still a goal to continue to have non-conference games with OU in other sports. It is possible the decision will be different for each sport.

Neither Oklahoma State nor Colorado want to play two Power Five nonconference games in the same season. The teams could play in 2031 or any time after 2038, but until then, at least one team has a Power 5 game scheduled. If Colorado joins the Big 12 and Clemson joins SEC, dates in 202036 and 2037 open up.

Oklahoma State has shown no interest in scheduling future games with the University of Oklahoma. OU is moving to the SEC. OU put the rivalry in jeopardy when it left OSU. The fact that people buy into what OU sells is comical. It's not fair to shame OSu for doing what is better for OS state.

The Bedlam game that defines the rivalry between Oklahoma State and Oklahoma is the one that I will miss the most. The game in which OSU beat Kyler Murray was the game when Taylor Cornelius was a walk-on quarterback. The Cowboys were 17.5-point underdogs.