Green and Gold Rugby

Summarized by: Live Sports Direct
Green and Gold Rugby

It's Monday and GAGR is celebrating the start of the new week. Moaning Expat is taking a second shot at being a member of G AGAR's craparazzi.

Green and Gold Rugby is celebrating perceptions and judgements. Sully made a negative comment about Ned Hannigan. He doesn't have the experience or knowledge to go into detail about team methods or coaching methods. He tries to represent the readers that don't know everything about rugby. It's hard to tell who is doing a good job and who a bad one. Some referee decisions this year have been controversial. Charlie mentioned that even in the Referee FB group there were disagreements about interpretations. When something is crap most of us agree it's crap. There is no skin in rugby, so it is hard for people to judge.

It's hard for me to watch a game and comment on a players' and team performance when I watch it for the first time. I'm biased against a player, an opposing team, the commentators and the television screen. The most enjoyable football team to me is the Yarpies and Nearlies. Forwards suffer from this bias. They are not rewarded for their hard work. For a forward, pure graft is not newsworthy. Positional play is another area where they are often overlooked. It's better to judge a team's performance on the field than on TV. A person who's passionate about a particular team is better at judging player quality and ref decisions.

Quade was an unselfish player, but he was not always successful. Hannigan was a drag on the team, while others see him as good. I'm not saying I am right either. I've hung my hat on players over the years and had my heart broken. It's possible I don't pick the right players. i.e. because I’m not good at picking plays, players and granular tactics.

DR doesn't want Lolly for the Autumn games. Many people on here think he's a better option than Spanners.

Green and Gold Rugby.

Green and Gold Rugby lost to Ireland and France by three points. If they had won the reviews of the coach and players would be significantly different. If you lose to a team on the death by a bit of a lucky move your review of your team should be a hell of an lot more positive than it is.

The perception of how the team played later varies from the final result. The scorecard for the Autumn Ints is quite low. Andrew on the GAG Dropped kick off gave the wobs a 4.5/10. DR has won 2 wins and lost 3 games. The team was out 15 players. They played 52 men. I personally think the record is good considering the injuries. It's not too bad considering they lost almost another team worth.

Green and Gold Rugby is playing against the Wobs.  They are playing well.

Anne Frank believes that nobody needs to wait a moment before starting to improve the world.

Gary Gold steps down as USA Eagles coach. Dr Evil is being approached by Hammer for possible return to Wobbly Rugby.

Moaning Expat shares his thoughts on the new Super Rugby Pacific deal and the World Series Sevens in Cape Town.