‘I will break my nose for this... I want to be a pro'

‘I will break my nose for this... I want to be a pro'

Can the Luther actor live up to his action man image for real?

The Luther star steps into the ring

He shot to fame playing hardmen – but Idris Elba is about to learn just how tough he really is

In this bruising three-parter Idris Elba: Fighter (Discovery, Tuesday, 10pm), the man who’s been hotly tipped to be the next James Bond takes on the most gruelling challenge of his life.

Idris will try to become a pro kickboxer in 12 months, culminating in a no-holds-barred fight against a younger, more experienced opponent.

It’s a long, painful journey that could easily break the hulking 6ft 2in actor, physically and mentally.

"No other sport threatens your wellbeing the way fighting does," admits Idris, star of crime series The Wire and movies including Mandela: Long Walk to Freedom. "Facing up to another man is the ultimate test."

In the first episode, Idris meets his training team – ex world champion Kieran Keddle, plus his former Luther co-star Warren Brown, a former Thai world boxing champ. Warren doesn’t pull any punches about the huge odds that are stacked against Idris.

"It’s a crazy idea," he says. "Most fighters start training very young, but Idris is 44, so he’s already at a huge disadvantage. He has that fighter mentality, but you definitely see Idris taken out of his comfort zone."

In his first full-contact sparring session he suffers a knee injury and slipped discs. He can barely walk and it looks like his dream is over. But after letting his body recover, Idris jets off to Japan to be drilled in pain endurance by a karate master.

"Pain is not an excuse to give up, it’s something to be conquered," says the actor, defiantly. "Suffering only spurs me on, I’m probably a bit of a masochist in that way."

Next, he laces up his gloves for a heavyweight sparring bout. He risks his showbiz career and sex symbol status as he’s rocked by a series of stinging blows to the head.

"People say, 'What about your face? What about your acting?', and I get why they’re concerned,’ says Idris. ‘But I will break my nose for this fight. It really is all about heart. I’ve got to attack this challenge like a pro fighter, otherwise it’s just a hobby."