Next James Bond: Netflix hunk is clear fan favourite ahead of Madden and Hardy

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Next James Bond: Netflix hunk is clear fan favourite ahead of Madden and Hardy

Daniel Craig has retired as James Bond. Netflix hunk Tom Hopper is the clear fan favourite. Richard Madden is also riding high again, with the imminent release of Marvel blockbuster The Eternals raising his profile again.

Daniel Craig has retired as James Bond. Tom Hopper came out of nowhere to land odds of 3/1 to replace Craig. Richard Madden is also riding high again, with the imminent release of Marvel blockbuster The Eternals. Rege-Jean Page is the runaway favourite among fans. Bond Breakdown analysed every tweet written about the 16 actors linked most closely to the job. The report found Reek- Jean Page, Idris Elba, Aiden Turner and Sam Heughan are the most popular. Lashana Lynch's name is split in relation to her role. She is ranked tenth in the list of the top most-discussed actors.

Netflix hunk is the new James Bond.