Leap To Fame completes the triple crown

Leap To Fame completes the triple crown

Champion pacer Leap To Fame (Bettor’s Delight) sealed his greatness with a stunning harness racing win in the Miracle Mile at Menangle.

The Grant Dixon trained son of Bettors Delight pressed forward from his wide draw to sit parked outside the leader Speak The Truth after his main danger Hi Manameisjeff jumped out of his gear shortly after the start.

Leap To Fame appeared to get the better of Speak The Truth on straightening however it was the New Zealand rank outsider Sooner The Bettor ($51) who issued a serious challenge down the home stretch.

Sooner Or Bettor almost drew level with Leap To Fame with 100 metres to travel however the Queensland superstar refused to yield and dug deep into his considerable reserves to finally surge clear and score by two and a half metres in a time of 1:48.3, the fourth fastest on record.

In winning Leap To Fame became only the second horse to claim harness racing’s triple crown; the Hunter Cup, Inter Dominion Grand Final and the Miracle Mile.

It was previously achieved by the mighty Preux Chevalier 39 years ago.

“I’m so rapt for the horse, he had to do it tough and I could feel the other horse level up close to him but he put his head down and just wanted to get to the line-I’m just so proud of him,” Dixon said. 

Dixon admitted he knew he had a fight on his hands in the home straight.

“I was happy enough around the corner and I thought that I had Speak The Truth but I was worried about the one on my back-it was a long straight that’s for sure,” he said.


Dixon said Leap To Fame is a once in a lifetime horse.

“This has been the best part of my career and obviously Tristan has been the best part of my life,” he said. 

“A lot of people really love this horse and people want to get photos with him and it’s just great to be a part of it.”

The race was a triumph for Australasian harness racing’s greatest stallion Bettors Delight who sired the first three place getters.