Lionel Messi's Inter Miami move over Barca, Saudi has Twitter wilding
Lionel Messi's Inter Miami move over Barca, Saudi has Twitter wilding

After a drawn-out vacation saga with Paris Saint-Germain, it was only a matter of time before Lionel Messi, arguably the greatest football player of the past 20 years, departed France. Many thought that a reunion with FC Barcelona, the club he called home from 2003 to 2021, was a mere inevitability. However, in the past year or so, Saudi Arabia is making a considerable investment in its football league, bringing in one megastar after another. That loomed as another option for Messi as well.

In the end, however, the 35-year old Argentinian footballer chose to take his talents to the United States of America, playing in the MLS. But he did not take his talents to one of the best sides in the league; instead, he chose to play for Inter Miami, the club that finished with the worst points total in the Eastern Conference this past season.

Fan sentiment regarding Lionel Messi's decision is split; some think that Messi is still far too talented to be plying his trade in the US. Undue or not, the MLS has a reputation for being a retirement home for has-beens. Thus, to see Messi willingly play in this league will be such a sight to behold.

Cristiano at 35 was still destroying Champions League games. Leo Messi selling out to MLS at same age is crazy.

— IQEmperor (@iq_emperor) June 7, 2023

Leo Messi should have gone to his childhood club or Barca. MLS is not the way bruh

— IQEmperor (@iq_emperor) June 7, 2023

Meanwhile, some fans see this seismic Lionel Messi move as a transformative one for the MLS, especially knowing the league's reputation.

Messi going to Inter Miami is surprising. I thought he’d go back to Barcelona and retire, he’s a huge coup for the MLS and David Beckham, probably the biggest moment for the @MLS since Beckham went there in 2007.

— J. A. (@JamesArchwood) June 7, 2023

#Messi�� to #MLS ��
Can't say I am mad at that
Now to plan a trip to go see him play!

— Chris Gutierrez (@robotomus) June 7, 2023

However, some diehard Barca fans who had their hopes raised regarding a potential Messi comeback were crestfallen upon hearing the news of the Argentinian's reported move to Inter Miami.

Barca fans went the whole season chanting Messi’s name in the 10th minute just to go to mls

— Trill (@TrillAFC_) June 7, 2023

Until Fabrizio confirms Messi to Inter Miami, I'm still convinced he's going back to Barcelona ��

— BIG DUJAR�� (@BigDujar) June 7, 2023

Kalyug on its peak first Ronaldo to Saudi followed by Benzema now it's another �� leaving europe for Inter Miami USA league and this team is Even 15 in USA league.�� Barcelona can't do a single Homework to bring messi after all this hype.Litterally shame for barcelona.

— Prateek Singh chauhan ���� (@Prateek91170557) June 7, 2023

Meanwhile, some fans grew flummoxed that Lionel Messi would choose to spurn the opportunity to make a boatload of cash by cashing in on the Saudi craze — especially when it would deprive the world of the opportunity to watch the Messi-Cristiano Ronaldo matchup on a more regular basis once again.

Messi choosing Inter Miami over the big Saudi offer is weird to me.

Inter Miami are currently last on the table with a less than average squad. What is he thinking?

I was hoping the Ronaldo-Messi rivalry would be reignited in the Saudi league.

All the best to him still.

— School of Hard Odds �� (@OddsSensei) June 7, 2023

Would have loved to see oil clasico between Messi and Ronaldo in Saudi…

— IQEmperor (@iq_emperor) June 7, 2023

At the end of the day, Lionel Messi no longer has anything to prove in his storied career. Messi has achieved everything there is to achieve, having won the 2022 FIFA World Cup. Thus, if he wants to spend the last few years of his career basking underneath the Miami sun, no one should fault him for doing so.