Ohio State-Michigan, Iowa-Nebraska time, TV, odds, Picks: Big Ten Football Week 13 Previews

Ohio State-Michigan, Iowa-Nebraska time, TV, odds, Picks: Big Ten Football Week 13 Previews

RMB: It’s the last week of the season. There’s a bucket. There’s a hat. There’s an axe. There’s a Game. There’s MNWildKit doing adorable things. There are pretty leaves. There are students saying stupid but entertaining things. Find something to be inspired about one last time. You can do it.

MNW: Honestly, RMB, you pretty much nailed it. (Just another reason I'm redundant around here and should move on to leading Google and/or running for state elected office.)

While it makes DWT;WT (which you should go read and vote on!) a damn chore, Rivalry Week--particularly in the Big Ten!--is one of the things that keeps me coming back for more. I hate my rivals, I hate your team; hell, most of the time I hate my team, too. This particular week of this year has thrown into sharp relief for me that (1) that version of college football, if it ever truly existed in my lifetime, is rapidly fading, and (2) the powers that be are banking on exactly this nostalgia to keep doing what they're doing. Nuts to playing Minnesota or Purdue or wisconsin more than every few years -- you still get to play HAT or Bucket or Pig; isn't that enough pageantry?

Of course, we set such concerns aside this weekend to enjoy some of the last and best. There's little of national import to play for outside The Game, but there's local bragging rights that last, bare minimum, a year.


  • Thumpasaurus continues to lead the ATS standings. It’s going to be tough to beat him with only 8 total picks to go.
  • LincolnParkWildcat strategically made no picks this week, and fell ass-backward into first place in the straight-up standings at .833 (50-10). HWAHSQB fell out of first by going 5-2. This one will go down to the wire.
  • What has two thumbs and is in dead center in ATS? This guy!

Not so kudos-y:

  • Our esteemed editor managed to go 1-6 ATS this week. That’s...unfortunate.
  • BoilerUp89 is duking it out with MN Wildcat for last place straight-up. Boiler holds that spot right now, but only by one game (71-27 vs 72-16).

Friday, November 24

(20) Iowa Hawkeyes @ Nebraska Cornhuskers

Straight-Up: Iowa 10-1
Against the Spread: Iowa 10-1

RUReady4Brazil: Unless Iowa just completely fails to show up, the Big Ten isn’t going to let their division champion lose to Nebraska, will they?

BRT: It took too long, but it seems the rest of the writing staff has finally seen the light about which I have preached for so long. Anyway, Nebraska’s only hope here is if Kirk’s gum is frozen in his mouth, gluing his mouth shut and leaving him unable to coach. Actually, that probably wouldn’t even matter, as Iowa’s defense is good and Nebraska’s offense is very bad, and I’m not sure the Huskers even score in this game. I’m praying for three, you guys.

BoilerUp89: I have no memory of who I picked for this one. I’m much less interested in this game than last year when I watched it very closely. /goes back and looks at the spreadsheet. Apparently I picked Iowa. I dunno why I picked them. The Iowa offense is awful, but they can probably win 9 to 3 or something.

Larry31: Please take a minute to appreciate that O/U. Damn! Iowa with the win and they cover a measly 1-point spread.

AlmaOtter: We’re watching history in the making with Iowa’s O/U. As of writing this, it’s down to 25.5, with some books at 24.5! Truly astounding, nauseating, inspiring stuff. Iowa does what it does, probably winning 8-3 or something silly like that.

RockyMtnBlue: Any right-minded individual is rooting against Iowa, so that just means of course they’ll win again. Iowa’s at their best when they can turn their opponent over, and if there’s on consistency in Nebraska this year it’s their propensity to turn the ball over. Iowa 13-7

MNW: I have been converted by the Church of BRT. I will never, ever again assume that Nebraska will do something competent or ideas halfway decent. Iowa, 17-7.


Corn bowl!

This poll is closed

  • 41%
    Iowa wins and we should all hate ourselves.
    (5 votes)
  • 0%
    Nebraska wins and we should probably still all hate ourselves.
    (0 votes)
  • 58%
    Oh FFS. Iowa is ranked???
    (7 votes)
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Straight-Up: Penn State 11-0
Against the Spread: Penn State 6-5

RUReady4Brazil: The East has experimented with PSU, MSU, Maryland, and Rutgers all taking chances to finish the season with one another. Unfortunately, especially for Penn State, these matchups have never been compelling. Last year Michigan State needed a win for bowl eligibility and folded like a lawn chair in the 4th quarter. This year won’t be so entertaining.

BRT: Here is a game of zero interest to me. Congrats on being third in the division again, Nits.

BoilerUp89: Lazers!

Larry31: Hey, BRT. Sparty probably has about the same amount of interest in this game as you. PSU covers.

AlmaOtter: James Franklin should be called the Steering Wheel. He’s always at 10-2.

RockyMtnBlue: Well let’s see, MSU getting smoked is always entertaining. Coach Hype managing to blow one to a 2-6 MSU team would be even more entertaining. So staying with my assumption the universe doesn’t like fun, I’ll take PSU to win, but MSU with the points. Penn State 28-17

MNW: The story I'm low-key interested in is how the disappearance of divisions affects James Franklin.

That's about it. There's nothing interesting about this game. PSU, 31-10.


The one blowout this week according to the odds makers

This poll is closed

  • 70%
    Penn State emphatically declares themselves to be the third best team in their division with a blowout of Sparty.
    (50 votes)
  • 19%
    Sparty keeps it close, but there’s just too much talent in blue and white for an upset to be on the table.
    (14 votes)
  • 9%
    (7 votes)
Vote Now

Saturday, November 25

Straight-Up: Purdue 7-4
Against the Spread: Purdue 7-4

RUReady4Brazil: Unless Card is healthy and plays, the Hoosiers fan base will probably need to face the reality that Tom Allen is going to win another game. The game being on the road should help avoid the Hoosier boos.

BRT: Picking Indiana, pulling for Purdue. In the last-ever regular season East-West match-up, I’d love for the trains to pull away with this one. Problem is, they’re quite bad. But, so is Indiana, so you never know.

BoilerUp89: Both fanbases have moved onto basketball season. Purdue’s been able to run the ball a bit lately just not in short yardage situations. I think Card plays and I think Purdue wins the home game, but a loss wouldn’t shock me.

Larry31: Well, at least these two schools have good basketball. Their football teams suck. Maybe they should join the ACC. I’ll go with Indiana with the upset win..

AlmaOtter: Purdue continues to be the most random of random number generators, but Indiana has played reasonably consistent ball for a month now. Hoosiers with the upset.

RockyMtnBlue: I have no idea which Purdue team will show up. When it doubt, take the home team. Especially in a rivalry game. Purdue 24-21


Bucket. It’s like a Jug, but way less cool.

  • 37%
    Purdue by a FG or better. Tom Allen is retained anyway
    (27 votes)
  • 20%
    Purdue by 1 or 2. On the surface this seems unlikely, but then this game promises to be pretty stupid, soooooo....
    (15 votes)
  • 41%
    Indiana wins. Tom Allen’s job is saved!
    (30 votes)
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(2) Ohio State Buckeyes @ (3) Michigan Wolverines

Straight-Up: Ohio State 7-4
Against the Spread: Ohio State 9-2

RUReady4Brazil: My head says Michigan. They have won two straight so there is no monkey on their back and McCarthy has been just so good this year.

BRT: I don’t know if I’m strong enough to listen to all of the bullshit that this televised broadcast will entail. Or the whining from Michigan fans that will happen if OSU wins. But we must be brave in these trying times. Last week’s performance by Michigan shook me, and I’m taking the Buckeyes.

BoilerUp89: I’ve felt fairly confident that Michigan would win this game early in this season. The Buckeyes have looked beatable and Michigan has looked good. However, Michigan doesn’t have their head coach and I can’t help but wonder how much the spying helped Michigan the past two years. Still picking Michigan but a lot less confident in the pick than either of the last two seasons.

Larry31: I’m shocked Michigan is a 4-point favorite with Harbz not on the sidelines. I’ll take OSU to cover for sure. I think I’ll stick with Michigan to win.

AlmaOtter: For the sake of my father-in-law’s blood pressure, I would very much like the Bucks to get this one back, KhakiPants on the sideline or no.

RockyMtnBlue: I watched JJ McCarthy hobble to the bus after last week’s uninspiring win over Maryland. Dude could barely walk. We’re fucked. Ohio State 31-10


The Game

  • 21%
    Michigan covers against OSU. It’s just what they do nowadays.
    (19 votes)
  • 13%
    Michigan wins but doesn’t cover. It’s just what they do nowadays without Harbaugh on the sidelines.
    (12 votes)
  • 64%
    The Empire Strikes Back! 13 fanbases are thrilled.
    (57 votes)
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Straight-Up: Northwestern 8-3
Against the Spread: Northwestern 10-1

BRT: Northwestern is feeling it, and Illinois has to be feeling defeated after enabling Iowa’s trip to Indianapolis (though honestly, it’s going to be hilarious, so perhaps Illinois was doing something bigger here). No idea if Braun is a great coach or not, but he seems to have the team on his side, and he’s certainly a good enough coach to beat any other team in the West, including Illinois.

RUReady4Brazil: If Bryant plays, I see Northwestern winning.

BoilerUp89: No idea. But the winner gets a HAT and that’s pretty cool.

Larry31: I’ll go with ‘Nern to win, mostly because I am rooting for David Braun.

AlmaOtter: Not entirely sure why Illinois favored by 5. Northwestern has wildly out-kicked their coverage this year and Illinois needed heroics from a backup QB with a 90-year family legacy at the school to beat Minny and Indiana. I want this goddamn Hat, though.

RockyMtnBlue: Another rivalry game, and probably the game I’ll watch after studiously avoiding internet access during the early slate. I might be voting with my heart more than my head on this one, but give me jNW for the upset. Northwestern 27-24



  • 15%
    Illinois covers. 12 fanbases don’t notice.
    (12 votes)
  • 10%
    Illinois wins close. 12 fanbases don’t notice.
    (8 votes)
  • 41%
    Kittens upset! 12 fanbases don’t notice.
    (32 votes)
  • 32%
    (25 votes)
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Straight-Up: Wisconsin 6-5
Against the Spread: Wisconsin 6-5

BRT: Best of the West Game of the Week! I hope this is very stupid, and it should be. Make us proud in the final regularly scheduled QoH match up, you guys!

RUReady4Brazil: Hoping for a Wisconsin win if Mordecai plays, and a loss if he doesn’t. This is like a broken record with so many matchups this week coming down to the best QB in the game likely winning.

BoilerUp89: Feels like both teams have gotten significantly worse as the season has progressed. /checks notes Apparently I picked wisconsin.

Larry31: Peej doesn’t seem like his typical confident, optimistic, self-righteous self that I find simultaneously loveable and annoying. Gotta go with the Badgers to cover.

AlmaOtter: I spent the entire week digging into the history of this ridiculous rivalry and I still don’t have a clue as to who should be favored here. Plugging my piece and the 0-0 tie that these two teams pulled off in 1923. Good night, Big Ten West. We shall not see your like again.

RockyMtnBlue: Big rivalry game between two teams that look considerably weaker than we expected them to this year. I suppose that’s a fitting end to the Big10 West. Pure gut instinct says Badgers. Wisconsin 27-17


There’s a big hatchet or something

  • 56%
    Wisconsin-flavored rodents
    (37 votes)
  • 19%
    I’m middling a 1.5pt spread because reasons.
    (13 votes)
  • 24%
    Minnesota-flavored rodents
    (16 votes)
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Straight-Up: Maryland 8-3
Against the Spread: Maryland 8-3

BRT: Maryland has shown signs of life in the past two weeks, while Rutgers has rolled over and resumed its slumber. I’ll pick both to continue their respective postures.

RUReady4Brazil: Rutgers is super banged up, Maryland is probably the healthiest team in the country at this time of year. Whoever wants it more will win. If both teams are flat, Maryland wins. For that reason I have to go with the emotional hedge in our picks this week.

BoilerUp89: You would think I would have learned my lesson, but Maryland to win.

Larry31: I’m grabbing RU’s coattails. Maryland just seems to be in a better place, emotionally and physically. Rutgers has had an absolutely brutal schedule the last 3 weeks [OSU, Iowa, and PSU] that has taken a physical and emotional toll. Those are three elite defenses. Rutgers will surely show more offensive production against Maryland but, I’ll go with Maryland in a tough game decided in the 4th quarter, barely covering by winning on a late field goal.

AlmaOtter: I mean, I guess go Terps? They looked reasonably game last week against UM.

RockyMtnBlue: Both of these teams have had their moments, but in the end one of these quarterbacks is a lot better than the other one. Maryland 28-14

  • 30%
    Taulia is the real deal. Maryland.
    (26 votes)
  • 26%
    That Rutgers D is the real deal. Rutgers.
    (22 votes)
  • 42%
    There are no words to describe how much I don’t care about this game.
    (36 votes)