Rugby great David Pocock on his plan to turn Canberra teal in the Senate

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Rugby great David Pocock on his plan to turn Canberra teal in the Senate

In 47 years since Canberra was granted two senators, just nine people have represented Canberra in the federal parliament. Every three years the Greens and a grab bag of independents vow that they've got the formula right and this will be the election the duopoly is broken.

David Pocock is running for an independent Senate seat in Canberra. He has received funding from Climate 200 and Kim Rubenstein. Pococks' family lost their farm and livelihoods in Zimbabwe. He nominates a federal ICAC and stronger action to combat climate change as key issues. His position is at odds with Liberal senator Zed Seselja. In Canberra, he's outlined a big vision for a football stadium in the centre of the city. Sedeljo and Katy Gallagher have promised more in four weeks than in 40 years.

Pocock-commissioned polling by Redbridge suggests he could win the ACT Senate race. The most recent numbers had Gallagher on 27% of the vote, Seselja at 25%, Greens at 11%, and Pocock's vote nearly doubled from 11% to 21%.

David Pocock is running for a seat in the Senate. He doesn't know what he will do if he doesn’t win.