Stewards investigating Victorian jockeys over series of rides
Stewards investigating Victorian jockeys over series of rides

Racing Victoria stewards are currently investigating a number of rides, including one at a city race last year. Picture: /Getty Images.


Racing Victoria stewards are investigating select rides as part of a long-running probe that includes at least one metropolitan race.

Intelligence gathered from wagering data has prompted officials to interview "multiple" licensed and unlicensed persons in relation to the investigation, which started last year.

Speculation about the investigation has ramped up at Melbourne race meetings in recent weeks.

Stewards monitor all Victorian races to ensure the highest integrity of the sport through observation, information gathering and analysis of wagering data.

It is understood the latest probe is centred only on a handful of riders, none of which are in the top 20 in either Melbourne or Victorian jockeys' premierships,

Stewards have also interviewed other jockeys that rode in the select races in order to complete due diligence on the matters.

The Herald Sun and Racenet have confirmed a midweek race at Sandown last June is among races under scrutiny.

Stewards on the day requested analysis of wagering on the race from the Betting Intelligence Unit.

The horse, which drifted late in the market from $3.7 second favourite to $6, jumped awkwardly, raced ungenerously and settled further back than anticipated.

Racing Victoria chief steward Robert Cram confirmed stewards have been looking into several rides for some time. Picture: AAP

The last-start winner let down strongly in the straight but finished outside the money.

The Herald Sun and Racenet does not imply any persons or jockeys acted inappropriately, only that stewards are looking into the race and other specific rides.

Racing Victoria chairman of stewards Robert Cram confirmed an investigation was ongoing.

However, he would not be drawn on details, including the races in question.

"We conduct investigations all through the year and we're currently conducting an investigation into rides," Cram said.

"These investigations have been running for some time."

Cram said a number of people had been questioned "along the way" as part of the inquiry.

"There will be no decision made on the matters until, probably, several weeks' forward," Cram said.