Tech-Driven Sports Betting Startups

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Tech-Driven Sports Betting Startups

The global online gambling market is surging, evidenced by its substantial growth from $81.08 billion in 2022 to an anticipated $88.65 billion in 2023. As the figures mount, it becomes evident where most of this growth is centered: mobile betting apps. Remarkably, 70% of online betting revenue is now generated through mobile devices, underscoring the overwhelming preference of bettors and the undeniable sway of technology.

With such palpable shifts, numerous startups are entering the fray with innovative approaches. These enterprises employ AI-driven algorithms to curate tailored betting experiences, elevating user engagement and personalizing every bet. Moreover, the world of Augmented Reality (AR) and Virtual Reality (VR) are being explored to transport bettors into virtual stadiums and casinos, making the experience immersive like never before.

Startups also use advanced data analytics to offer bettors instantaneous insights, aiding in well-informed wagers.

Genius Sports

A frontrunner in sports data technology, Genius Sports has etched its name as a vital contributor to sports leagues and federations globally. Based in London, with footprints in over 16 locations, Genius Sports’ meteoric rise as a leading sports technology firm is notable.

What sets them apart? Genius Sports goes beyond mere data collection. Their partnership model collaborates with the world’s eminent sports bodies like FIBA, the English Premier League, and La Liga.

Officially distributing critical data for these organizations enhances viewership experiences and lays the foundation for maintaining sports data’s integrity and commercial viability. In a world where data is power, Genius Sports emphasizes safeguarding this power to ensure the industry’s enduring success.


Making a mark in the eSports world is WagerMatch, setting its sights on becoming the top global platform for head-to-head skill gaming. Launching with the universally loved game of Chess, WagerMatch offers enthusiasts a platform to engage in intense, rapid-fire matches against peers of comparable skill levels.

But WagerMatch’s distinction lies in its meticulous focus on user experience. Recognizing gamers’ challenges, such as cheating and scamming, the platform ensures a secure environment where users can revel in the game without apprehensions. In addition, their community-centric ethos keeps them in tune with their audience.

The feedback-driven approach, wherein updates and patches are based on user opinions, reinforces their commitment to creating a closely-knit community of eSports fans.


Jackpocket introduces a groundbreaking model to the U.S. lottery market, offering users the convenience of purchasing official state lottery tickets via smartphones. With an emphasis on modern design, gamification, and social interactions, Jackpocket aims to modernize the global lottery industry valued at $300 billion. A noteworthy advantage is its potential to engage younger demographics, particularly millennials, who might not otherwise partake in traditional lottery systems.

As the digital landscape evolves, platforms like Jackpocket could be contenders for the title of the best Kentucky betting apps.


Betstamp positions itself not as a direct betting platform but an auxiliary tool. It streamlines the decision-making process, guiding bettors on what to bet, where to place bets, and maintaining a record.

Notably, it has pioneered a verified peer-to-peer marketplace, a unique feature that ensures complete transparency in betting predictions. Guaranteeing the authenticity of each betting history eliminates the possibility of fraudulent manipulation.

Castle Hill Gaming

The North American Tribal casino market, valued at a whopping $27.4B, is poised for a transformation, courtesy of Castle Hill Gaming. The company, founded by seasoned video and casino game designers, brings to the table next-gen gaming machines tailored to the unique requirements of Tribal casinos.

But it’s not merely about providing machines. Castle Hill Gaming collaborates with casino operators, curating a strategic mix of games that resonate with their clientele. Their commitment to innovation, combined with a deep understanding of the Tribal casino ecosystem, is a testament to their dedication to uplift the sector.


Branded as the Nasdaq of sports betting, Novig is pioneering a commission-free, high-frequency sports betting exchange. It offers a direct betting approach, where users bet against peers or the market rather than a centralized house.

It aims to make betting practices more equitable, efficient, and profitable for the users. Its ambitious mission is supported by influential backers, hinting at its potential to redefine the $300 billion sports betting landscape in the U.S.

Wager Games

Addressing a significant void in the market, Wager Games has produced the premier scrollable video content betting experience. Wager Games offers a refreshing alternative in a market dominated by textual displays that often deter younger users. It integrates a TikTok-inspired feed into sportsbook applications, allowing content creators to pair their videos with betting picks.

The seamless blend of content and betting promises to resonate with younger audiences, providing a user-friendly interface that might expand the $54 billion market.


SoBet strives to bridge the gap between sports fans and authentic, expert-driven content. With precise and informed guidance from SoBet, users are equipped with the necessary knowledge. No longer do they need to rely on hearsay or unverified tips. With content that’s presented in an accessible manner, fans find themselves more confident, making decisions not based on mere instinct but backed by expert analysis.

But SoBet isn’t solely about betting; it’s about reshaping the fan experience. The platform bolsters this enthusiasm with a wealth of information in a world where sports engagement is at its peak.

FanUp, Inc.

FanUp merges the thrill of fantasy sports with real-world experiences. By incorporating elements of pop culture, team loyalties, and top brands, it promises an engaging, visually rich betting experience. With an emphasis on communal interactions, gamification, and attractive prizes, it targets casual fans and younger audiences.

FanUp’s strategy is clear: to enlarge the already expansive $46 billion U.S. sports/esports gaming market and tap into India’s burgeoning $2.5 billion sector.

These startups, backed by cutting-edge technology, are not merely participating in the sports betting industry but reshaping it. With novel approaches, they challenge conventional wisdom, present fresh user experiences, and have the potential to expand the market beyond current horizons. As they grow and innovate, the sports betting landscape promises to become more inclusive, transparent, and user-centric.