This fan foretold the Twins' regular season record. We caught up with him for a playoff update.

This fan foretold the Twins' regular season record. We caught up with him for a playoff update.

A Twins fan from St. Louis Park correctly predicted the team’s regular season record while being interviewed by 5 EYEWITNESS NEWS during the season opener back in March.

Reporter Alex Jokich reunited with Bob Bulger on Wednesday to revisit the unlikely guesses he made that day and hear his predictions for the rest of the postseason.

During an interview at the Loon Cafe in Minneapolis on March 30, Bulger made several on-the-spot predictions that ultimately came true.

He told Jokich he thought the Twins would win their first game of the season against the Kansas City Royals, which they won 2-0.

At the time, Jokich asked if he had any projections for the season, to which he replied: “I’ll project us at 87 wins.”

The Twins regular season record turned out to be 87-75.

“Are you surprised that you got it right?” Jokich asked Bulger Wednesday.

He replied, “A little bit. You have 162 games to go through, so it’s a lot of error that could happen. And after I said it, it was kind of ironic that ’87 was also the World Series team. I would hope that’s good luck for the season.”

In the original interview, Bulger also made this statement: “Our playoff hopes are good as long as we don’t face the Yankees in the first round.”

In the first round, the Twins ended up facing the Toronto Blue Jays in the Wild Card Series, winning in a two-game sweep.

Bulger noted that he made all of the March guesses on the fly and that he has no background in baseball analytics or probabilities.

“It’s one of the coolest things I’ve done probably,” Bulger said. “Especially because the odds are so low to get it right.”

Before Game 4 of the AL Divisional Series against the Astros Wednesday, 5 EYEWITNESS NEWS asked Bulger to give predictions for the rest of the postseason.

“I’ll have to say we take the win. We have to go Game 5 back to Houston on Friday,” Bulger said. “We win Game 5, as the prediction has to be, then we host the Texas Rangers at home.”

When pressed for specifics on Wednesday’s game, Bulger gave these guesses:

“Joe Ryan hasn’t pitched in a little bit, so I would say he’s pretty fresh to make a good start. I think he’ll get to six innings tonight. I feel like Royce Lewis is on pace for a homer every other game. He didn’t last night, so good hopes on that. And overall, I would say we still have good odds. We haven’t played horribly, just a couple plays here and there.”

Bulger said he hopes this is the year the Twins win the World Series.

“All the way, we’ve got to go all the way. Can’t count us out!” Bulger said.

5 EYEWITNESS NEWS asked other fans for their Game Four predictions as well.

Tim Smit, a Slayton native who flew in from Colorado for the game, said, “I think we’re going to win by three. I think it’s going to be 6-3.”

Joey Van Den Top added, “It’ll be a Royce Lewis dinger. Then we go to Houston and Lopez pitches a perfect game.”

Fans said no matter what happens, it has been a fun ride.

“It’s been a great season,” Bulger said. “Go Twins and let’s get a win!”