Trend Q&A: The 2022 FIFA World Cup special

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Trend Q&A: The 2022 FIFA World Cup special

Trend Q&A is about the 2022 FIFA World Cup special. WGSN's President and CEO Carla Buzasi takes Trend to London, São Paulo and New York for a special episode on the FIFA Cup Qatar 2022.

Trend Q&A: The 2022 FIFA World Cup special. Food and drink are the biggest opportunities around the World cup. Alcohol always sees a big uplift around World Cups. WGSN has been tracking the growth of no-and-low alcohol variants.

The World Cup will divert some of the attention from the holidays. This season is going to be different, especially amid the cost-of-living crisis. Start marketing the season earlier and communicate value to your customers.

According to Sports Betting, the National Football League is the most popular sports competition in the US. Major League Soccer is not close to the other sports. Football will continue to grow in popularity and participation, but competition for more established leagues and amateur associations will keep it at bay for some time.

There will be five billion people watching the 2022 FIFA World Cup. An estimated £150,000,00 in additional advertising revenue is expected in Q4 2022. Brands are tapping into themes such as hope, positivity and togetherness to get fans excited about the upcoming tournament.