Why the FIFA 23 Mid-Season 2 Review Pack is not worth it

Summarized by: Live Sports Direct
Why the FIFA 23 Mid-Season 2 Review Pack is not worth it

The FIFA 23 Mid-Season 2 Review Pack was released on December 20. Review Packs are only released occasionally in the Ultimate Team mode. The Review packs usually cost a lot more than regular ones. This raises questions about the pack's value for an Ultimate Teams player.

The FIFA 23 Mid-Season 2 Review Pack is not worth the price. The exact rewards of a pack can never be known beforehand.

A Mid-Season 2 Review Pack includes FIFA World Cup Path To Glory, Road to the FIFA Cup, or FIFA Stories.

There is only one guaranteed player from FIFA World Cup Path To Glory, Road to the FIFA Cup, or FIFAWorld Cup Stories.

The FIFA 23 Mid-Season 2 Review Pack costs 75,000 FUT coins. The possible rewards of the pack are far better than some of other special packs that have been released in the game previously. EA Sports makes the rewards untradeable to keep the market from crashing. There's an upcoming TOTY promo, which will likely be released January.