World Series 2022: FiveThirtyEight predicts Astros win but gives Phillies a 'strong chance'

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World Series 2022: FiveThirtyEight predicts Astros win but gives Phillies a 'strong chance'

The ABC-owned FiveThirtyEight predicts Astros to win the 2022 World Series against the Phillies. The Astros lost the last two World series. Five ThirtyEight uses a lot of statistics to make its predictions. The current forecast will change after each game in the series is completed. It predicts that the Astros will win and that Phillies have a strong chance. They lost both previous World Championships.   The website is based on statistics. it uses margin of victory, location, and rest days.

World Series 2022 is predicted by FiveThirtyEight.