A brief history of Brock Boeser not being able to catch a break

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A brief history of Brock Boeser not being able to catch a break

Brock Boeser is out injured for the rest of the 2021/22 season. Boeher made his NHL debut in 2017. He was injured twice in the first two weeks of his rookie season with the Vancouver Canucks. In the third game of that season, he was hit by Cal Clutterbuck and broke his back. He has been injured several times since then. His injury-prone nature has made him a target for critics. The Canucks are hoping he will get back to his old scoring ways. They are also hoping that he won't be injured again in 2021. It's a shame because he is a great player.

Brock Boeser has had a bad luck with injuries in the past. He has been injured in September of 2019 and September and October of the last six years. Boeher has only started a season without an injury once in his time with the Vancouver Canucks. He also has a history of brain injuries, Parkinson's disease, and a brain injury. His father died in 2010. In 2014, B Boeher's best friend died from a head injury in an accident. The Canucks were out of playoffs by that time. Brock's father had Parkinson’s disease and died at 13. A friend of his died of a car accident in 2014.