Blue Jays Opening Day roster prediction 1.0
Blue Jays Opening Day roster prediction 1.0

An important figure to watch on the Jays this year, Varsho represents a big shift in the Jays from last year to this year. A fantastic fielder and a left-handed hitter with pop, Varsho’s 2023 will be in the spotlight.

A longtime thorn in the Blue Jays’ side, Kiermaier has a similar outlook to that of Varsho. Kiermaier brings a dynamic presence to the Jays roster, as the club will be looking for health and continued dominance defensively in the centre.

Another year, another spring of just hoping for a healthy season from Springer. Electric and game changing when healthy, he is a threat on both sides of the ball. A full season in right field will be an interesting storyline as well, as there’s the possibility that his workload could be better managed with this new outfield flexibility.

After an eventful season that saw ups, downs, hot-streaks and even an All-Star selection, Espinal is forecasted to have more of a reserve role for 2023. Expect him to cover players' days off across the infield, and possibly get priority on starts against lefties.

Infield/outfield: Cavan Biggio

After another down season for Biggio, his role for 2023 is up in the air. Capable of playing second, first, and the corner outfield, his versatility and approach at the plate gives him impact player potential. However, expectations for his 2023 season are unclear. It wouldn't be a complete shock if Biggio is involved in a trade during the spring in an effort to bring in a fourth outfielder. However, as of now, he'll be there in St. Louis on Opening Day.

Infield/outfield: Otto López

After a successful season overall, I expect López to be given a shot at a role on the Blue Jays bench. Shown to be a competent fielder at short, second, and the outfield, his versatility could be an asset down the stretch. In addition to this flexibility, his is ability to hit lefties could be an asset as well, as he hit to a stellar .381 average against lefties in Triple-A last year.