Charlotte Football Coach Wants To Bang Media's Heads Off The Ground
Charlotte Football Coach Wants To Bang Media's Heads Off The Ground

Biff Poggi does not appreciate how little respect his program is getting ahead of the 2023 season. The 64-year-old is coming in with guns blazing and does not plan to holster them any time soon.

Poggi, one of the most successful high school coaches in recent history, was named head football coach at Charlotte in November. Although he has only been with the program for just eight months or so, his impact has reverberated across the sport, especially this week.

Earlier this year, Poggi took aim at his own, brand-new booster base while eviscerating a rival coach. (The photo on the right is a real outfit that he wore during a nationally televised game. Seriously.)

Biff Poggi is making waves.

No, unfortunately, his legal name is not Biff. It is Francis Xavier. Biff is just a nickname that has stuck with him since his childhood. It may as well be his legal name at this point, but that’s all beside the point.

The 49ers won just three games last season. They are picked to finish dead last in their new conference, the American Athletic Conference.

Poggi doesn’t like that.

While at AAC Media Days on Tuesday, the media had just three questions for him. He took it as bulletin board material.

Poggi played a big role in Michigan’s recent success as the associate head coach. His players love him.

Biff is responsible for a large amount of the Michigan Culture turnaround as of late.. MORE than anyone knows. Impacted everyone around him and worked behind the scenes.

Super excited to watch Charlotte thrive. I bet there will be more questions next year.

— Former Michigan punter Brad Robbins

Part of that culture change is belief. Poggi fully believes that his team is going to be better than the expectations and he is tired of the negativity.

That was abundantly clear during his interview with Roy Philpott of SiriusXM. Poggi said that he wants to hold the writers that voted his team last “upside down by their ankles and smack their heads off of the ground.”

He really said that.

Obviously, the disrespect is only further fueling motivation at Charlotte. Poggi has his players bought-in to what he is preaching and it sounds like there is a real expectation that the 49ers will shock the world with their play in 2023.

Stay tuned because Poggi is not done yet. It is only going to get more exciting from here.