Drivers/Constructors Championship 2023 Double Odds
Drivers/Constructors Championship 2023 Double Odds

Red Bull and its driver pairing of Sergio Pérez and Max Verstappen – who will also be an avid participant in 2023 Esports events (especially endurance simulator racing) completed the quest for Formula 1’s double World Championships. Find Formula 1 Drivers Constructors odds.

Verstappen dominated the field in the RB-18, cruising to his second consecutive Drivers’ World Championship, while Pérez did his part in helping Red Bull secure its first double championship since 2013.

Since 1995, 28 Drivers’ and Constructors’ championships have been awarded, and only three times (1999, 2008, and 2021) have the Drivers’ and Constructors’ championships been won by a driver and a competing team.

However, with the 2022 rules changes and the teams building on their baselines developed in 2022, we could see the rare occurrence of the World Championships being awarded to a driver and competing team.  

Drivers/Constructors Double Championship 2023 Odds

While we are not checking the Formula 1 odds in this preview, we are sure that the competition in 2023 Esports events will be closer than some of the driver/team combinations we will review the Formula 1 Drivers Constructors odds for.

However, when it is time to bet on Formula 1, Insiders Betting Digest will have the inside lane on who the favorites will be.

In all reality, it is unlikely that any driver from Alpine – who finished fourth in the 2022 Constructors’ standings – to ultimate back marker Williams will win the double championship in 2023.

Let’s review the betting lines and best candidates for the Formula 1 Double World Championship with special betting odds from our friends at BetUS.

Before we dig into the Formula 1 Drivers Constructors odds, there are two ways you can bet on the double World Championship. This does not differ from Formula 1 to Esports betting: you can pick whichever driver and constructor you think will win each championship.

Here are our top six betting lines and current odds to win the Double Championship:

The Candidates to win Double Championships in 2023

Before we analyze our favored betting lines and Formula 1 Drivers Constructors odds, we must acknowledge that we are making these F1 predictions while knowing very little about the 2023 Formula 1 cars. Looking at the F1 schedule.

Winter testing is still weeks away, so we don’t know if Apline or Ferrari have truly remedied their power unit issues or what the W-14 Mercedes will unleash from Brackley has to offer. 

But, we are operating on the presumption that Mercedes will be back in the mix and the leadership change at Marinello will bring Ferrari’s performance slightly down to start the season.

You’ll find Sergio Pérez (with Red Bull (+6600)) absent from our analysis as, frankly, Perex isn’t going to beat Max Verstappen for the Drivers’ World Championship in equal machinery.

Further, there is no betting line featuring Carlos Sainz and any other team but Ferrari. And Ferrari isn’t winning the Constructors’ championship in 2023, so we have to rule Sainz out as well. 

Let’s dive into the favorite Double World Championship betting lines.

Max Verstappen and Red Bull (+150)

Looking at the Max Verstappen odds, it’s really easy to pick the defending double champions after a dominant season. It’s even easier when you consider the improvements Max Verstappen made in his racecraft and quick understanding of how to squeeze the most out of the 18″ low-profile Pirelli tires introduced in 2022.

Verstappen’s form, pace, and skill already have him on a trajectory to be mentioned among the greatest Formula 1 drivers of all time.

Red Bull ended the 2022 season with the fastest and best Formula 1 car on the grid, as Ferrari struggled in the second half of the season. Adrian Newey’s most recent masterpiece is the foundation of the successor to the RB-18 (likely RB-19).

Reliability was not much of a concern for Red Bull after the first couple of races, so, on paper, another Verstappen/Red Bull double championship is a foregone conclusion.

However, the GOAT in his silver arrow will be back at the front of the grid, increasing the likelihood of more Verstappen collisions and DNFs in 2023.

Lewis Hamilton and Mercedes (+300)

The Mercedes W-13 was a seriously flawed race car with epic levels of downforce in the wind tunnel. This left the Mercedes duo of Lewis Hamilton and George Russell a distant third throughout the season. Although the W-13 improved, and Mercedes were in the fight and won on merit, they still finished third in the Constructors’ championship.

But you don’t forget how to build Grand Prix-winning race cars or win World Championships overnight. Mercedes claims to have found the problem in the W-13 and will be coming out of the gates intent on winning a ninth constructors’ championship in ten years, and Hamilton (the GOAT) his eighth World Championship overall. 

The potential flaw in that plan is a Max Verstappen/Red Bull-shaped flaw. Verstappen and Hamilton race differently against each other and do not back down from each other.

We saw it throughout the arduous and contentious 2021 World Championship battle. We witnessed it in the only consequential wheel-to-wheel action Verstappen and Hamilton had during the 2022 São Paulo Grand Prix.

George Russell and Mercedes (+800)

George Russell has long been Mercedes’ replacement plan for when Lewis Hamiton retires and a highly touted potential future Drivers’ World Championship. Russell’s incredible season of top-6 finishes culminated in his excellent São Paulo Grand Prix, where Russell won the F1 Sprint and Grand Prix on pace-based merit.

If Mercedes and Red Bull reengage in another epic battle to determine the Kings of the Formula 1 paddock, and Hamilton and Verstappen do cost force each other into collisions and DNFs, rest assured George Russell will be happy to clean up the mess and take the Grand Prix wins. 

If Mercedes have a car to compete with Red Bull in 2023, George Russell could be the underdog World Champion that helps bring Mercedes back to Double World Champions status.

Charles Leclerc and Red Bull (+2500)

While this pick might make more sense as an Esports pick, this longshot has been included for the Ferrari Tifosi, who believe any and every year will be Ferrari’s year to remerge as World Champions. 

Ferrari might not produce a car that wins them the Constructors’ Championship in a three-team fight, but Charles Leclerc has the talent to be a Drivers’ World Champion. Ferrari needs to make better strategy calls for Leclerc, while Leclerc needs to continually improve on avoiding mistakes if he plans on being a World Champion. 

We think Red Bull will emerge as the Constructors’ champion in 2023, so we have focused on the Leclerc/Red Bull betting line as our best bet from the longshots on the betting lines.

Drivers/Constructors Double Championship Betting Picks

As mentioned, we think Red Bull will end the season by claiming the 2023 Constructors’ championship on Grand Prix racing circuits and 2023 Esports events alike. While we haven’t seen the cars yet, we have our two favored betting lines, and both include Red Bull. 

Our first pick is simply the Verstappen/Red Bull (+150) combination to win a second consecutive double world championship. Red Bull has the best race car to start from, and we think they will have the best Formula 1 car at the end of 2022. 

However, Hamilton and Mercedes are going to be in the fight with Red Bull all season. We really like the Hamilton/Red Bull betting line at +900. If anyone can dethrone a constantly improving Max Verstappen through on-track competition, it’s the seven-time Drivers’ World Champion.

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