Events That Put a Shadow on the Biggest Horse Race of the Year

Essentially Sports
Events That Put a Shadow on the Biggest Horse Race of the Year

Each and every facet of our life here on earth has witnessed some form of controversy. The sports world has also not been immune to disputation. The Kentucky Derby might be called ‘The Most Exciting Two Minutes in Sports’, but even this historical event has had equal parts fairytales and nightmares. The Kentucky Derby has been around for more than a century.

Since 1875, equestrian athletes and their mounts have gathered at Churchill Downs to celebrate the great sport of horse racing. The Derby has gathered worldwide fame and attention, with celebrities and dignitaries from all around the world attending the races. The popularity has also led to increased scrutiny, which in turn has covered some deep dark secrets. Here are some of the biggest controversies surrounding the Kentucky Derby.

Drug use and performance-enhancing substances

Probably, the biggest doping scandal that took the Kentucky Derby by storm was that surrounding Medina Spirit. In May 2021, the colt Medina Spirit crossed the finish line and won the coveted title, but the aftermath of the race stunned everyone. A post-race drugs test revealed the harsh truth- 21 picograms of the steroid betamethasone were found in the horse’s bloodstream. While the steroid is not illegal in Kentucky, it is banned on race day. Also, double the permissible amount was found in Medina Spirit’s blood. The finding pushed the world of horse racing into turmoil and cast an ugly shadow on the legendary Bob Baffert.

A second drug test confirmed everyone’s fears, and Medina Spirit was disqualified, which denied Baffert his seventh Kentucky Derby win. Instead, the runner-up Mandaloun was declared to be the winner of the 2021 race. Bob Baffert, who was considered to be the face of horse racing, was banned from the races for two years. Unfortunately, Medina Spirit passed away a few months later, due to an apparent heart attack while training on the track. The only other drug scandal to ever take place in the Derby was when Dancer’s Image was stripped of the 1968 title after phenylbutazone, known as bute, was discovered via a urine test.

Disqualifications and other race-day controversies

The 2019 incident at the Kentucky Derby might win the award for being the weirdest of them all. Never before had a clear winner been disqualified, but that is what transpired in 2019. As Maximum Security galloped past the finish line and left all the other horses in the dust, the jockeys of other horses cried foul. For the very first time in the biggest wagering race in North America, the winner was disqualified for an in-race foul. Maximum Security drifted out during the last leg of the ride, and the interference caused the other horses to veer off their tracks as well. The disqualification resulted in the runner-up Country House becoming the Derby champion that year. Maximum Security, who had up to $6.2 million worth of bets placed on him, was dropped to 17th place behind Long Range Toddy.

Betting scandals and other forms of corruption

The disqualification of Medina Spirit uncovered a major loophole in the betting system at the Kentucky Derby. Bettors who put millions of dollars on the line for Mandaloun were faced with a harsh reality- their horse won big time, but they were stuck with zero return. The Kentucky Horse Racing Commission clarified the cold hard truth; all bets were paid out once a winner was announced and a subsequent change would not have any effect. This incident led to many bettors swearing they would not bet on the Preakness Stakes if Baffert had a horse in the race. Some also claimed that the drugs were an advantage, and the only issue was getting caught cheating.

The role of controversy and scandal in the history of the Kentucky Derby

Due to the several controversies surrounding horse racing in general, people believe that the sport, along with its biggest races, might be on its last leg. Adverse breeding practices, doping, whipping, the slaughter of older or handicapped horses, and gruesome injuries on the track have time and again raised animal welfare concerns caused due to horse racing. These concerns have led to certain reforms, such as the passing of the Horseracing Integrity and Safety Act and the banning of the most dangerous and addictive drug in horse racing, a diuretic by the name of Lasix. However, if things continue the same way, horse racing might meet its downfall due to over-regulation, or worse, anti-racing legislation.