Heat Twitter hilariously breathes new life into Miami after Drake's huge Nuggets bet

Heat Twitter hilariously breathes new life into Miami after Drake's huge Nuggets bet

Is the Drake Curse still alive? Well, Miami Heat fans are surely hoping that it is, as their team faces the Denver Nuggets in a do-or-die Game 5 on Monday.

With the Heat facing NBA Finals elimination at the hands of the Nuggets, the Miami faithful brought back and created a ton of buzz around the bet that Drake put on Denver before the championship series.

For those who missed it, Drake apparently placed a total of $1,250,000 on the Nuggets to win the series over the Heat. A win would yield him a profit of $630,000.

But of course, everyone knows Drake's ugly history when it comes to betting. That's why the Drake curse is a thing, and Heat fans are leaning on it to take its effect.

“Drake put money on the Nuggets winning, which means Heat moneyline,” a Miami fan said.

Another Heat faithful shared, “Drake betting the nuggets win tonight lol. Miami about to get another chance at life.”

“Drake bet on the Nuggets. There’s hope!” a third supporter added.

A Twitter user also joked, “Drake bet on the Nuggets, so that means Heat in 7!”

With the Heat's back against the wall, it's understandable why Miami fans are looking at this Drake curse superstition for any hope. They could really use all the help they can get, especially with the way the Nuggets have played in their last two meetings.

If the Drake curse does end up working, though, expect the Vice City supporters to bring it back again in Game 6 … or perhaps until Game 7, if they can.