How I’m voting on California propositions and the upcoming election

Summarized by: Live Sports Direct
How I’m voting on California propositions and the upcoming election

There was a proposition that would take away the right to leave your house to your children without a new tax assessment. It was promoted as money going to our firemen and to fight fires and wildfires. There was no money raised or spent on these activities. The politician tries to manipulate the vote by giving favorable titles and summaries to ballot measures they like and unfavorable titles to those they don't like. The National Conference of State Legislatures recommends that initiative titles should be “concise, accurate, and impartial” in California. In this election cycle in the state, voters open their ballots to find a long list of ballot initiatives with confusing ballot titles.

How I'm voting on California propositions and the upcoming election.

Prop 1 would repeal the current ban on abortions after 23 weeks of pregnancy and allow the right to a late-term abortion up to the moment of birth. It is too extreme for California. It may interfere with existing state laws that allow for Sexually Violent Predators to be placed under mandatory treatment to limit their sex drive.

Initiative allows In-person Roulette, Dice Games, Sports Wagering on Tribal Lands.

Prop 26 affirms the current practice of allowing only federally recognized Native American tribes to operate roulette, dice games, and sports wagering on tribal lands. It would also allow on-site sports betting at privately operated horse-racing tracks for ages 21 and up. The measure contains a "poison pill" to expand the use of the Private Attorneys General Act (PAGA) to allow trial attorneys to file frivolous lawsuits that harm small businesses.

Official Title: Allows Online and Mobile Sports Wagering Outside Tribal Lands.

Proposition 27 would expand gambling in California beyond casinos operated by Native American tribes. It would allow private businesses to operate online and mobile sports wagering for persons 21 and up. Backers of the measure say they would impose a special tax on these new forms of gambling with revenue going toward homeless aid programs. Online gambling is legal in many states and it is fairly simple to do so from California now.

The Initiative provides additional funding for Arts and Music Education in Public Schools.

Prop 28 earmarks 1% of required state and local funding for public schools for arts and music programs. This could take away from core education programs like reading, writing and math. As it is written, it could lead to budget cuts in core programs, so I will be voting NO on Prop 28.

The initiative requires on-site licensed medical professional at Kidney Dialysis Clinics.

Prop 29 has been rejected twice before in 2018 and 2020. It's an attempt to impose costly regulations on kidney dialysis clinics to benefit organized labor unions. A "no" vote keeps doctors and clinics more independent from state control.

Official Title: Provides Funding for Programs to Reduce Air Pollution and Prevent Wildfires by Increasing Tax on Personal Income over $2 million.

Prop 30 is a massive income tax increase for personal incomes over $2 million. Lyft, several trade unions, and the California Democratic party supported it. Governor Newsom, the teachers' union, Republican Party and Howard Jarvis Taxpayer Association opposed it, so he will be voting no.

The Referendum on 2020 Law that would Prohibit the Retail Sale of Certain Flavored Tobacco Products is being held.

Prop 31 is a referendum on whether a proposed state law should be implemented or rejected. It would ban the retail sale of certain flavored tobacco products and tobacco flavor enhancers. A "no" vote would overturn the law and allow tobacco companies to sell flavored products in California.