Lady Rugby Cranes defy odds to reach Rugby Afrique semis
Lady Rugby Cranes defy odds to reach Rugby Afrique semis

Uganda Rugby Women's Sevens national team — the Lady Rugby Cranes Sevens — spent Saturday night at Skanes Serail Hotel in Monastir in a jubilant mood after qualifying for Sunday’s Rugby Afrique Women's Sevens semifinal. 

Uganda kicked off the day with an important win against host Tunisia. Uganda won 12-5 thanks to Grace Auma's two conversions and a try.

Uganda then fell short against South Africa, losing 19-0 in their second game to push the Lady Cranes into a must-win encounter against Zimbabwe. 

Uganda eased passed Zimbabwe with an impressive 22-0 win to book a semifinal slot.

Tries came from Grace Auma, captain Peace Lekuru, Lydia Namabiro, and Immaculate Mufuwa. 

Grace Nabaggala also converted Lydia Namabiro's try.

Uganda finished second in Group A which was seen as the group of death, with defending champions South Africa finishing top.

Zimbabwe and Tunisia didn't make the cut. 

Uganda will now face long-time rivals Kenya who topped Group B for a slot in the final.

South Africa entertains Zambia who shocked last year's finalist Madagascar in a 17-15 win.