Magic Johnson should pick up the phone and see if Knicks owner James Dolan wants to sell

Daily News Journal
Magic Johnson should pick up the phone and see if Knicks owner James Dolan wants to sell

Magic Johnson should pick up the phone and call Knicks owner James Dolan and at least inquire about buying the franchise.

It only seems logical after Johnson told Brian Mahoney of The Associated Press owning the Knicks would be “intriguing” and “you would really have to think about...being a minority owner of that team.”

Keep in mind that Dolan recently told The New York Times he doesn’t “really like owning teams” anyway.

Johnson told the AP that he hasn’t spoken with Dolan and isn’t looking for an opportunity, but some Knicks fans sure like the idea.

“It would mean hope for the first time since the 1990s,” longtime Knicks fan Dave “Flash” Fausel of Connecticut said when asked what it would mean if Johnson bought the Knicks.

“It would be the same as what the [Washington] Commanders are feeling now [after the sale of the team]. Dolan has inherited the mantle of the worst owner in sports after [Dan] Snyder sold.”

Magic, who has an ownership stake in the Los Angeles Dodgers and was part of an ownership group that in July bought the embattled Commanders from Snyder for a record $6.05 billion, would need help purchasing the Knicks. The Knicks are worth $6.1 billion while Johnson is worth $500 million, both according to Forbes. And he mentioned he would just be a minority owner.

Imagine the impact Magic, winner of five NBA championships as a player, would have by just being around players like Jalen Brunson, Julius Randle and RJ Barrett?

He’s a winner and, despite the ups and downs of his career showcased in HBO’s fabulous series Winning Time, he knows what it takes to win.

“Well, first of all, you have to let the employees know that you respect them and it will be a safe place to work,” Johnson said when he bought into the Commanders. “And we want you to have a winning attitude, too. These owners just can’t have a winning attitude. It’s got to trickle down to the employees. And then it’s got to trickle down to the coaches and trickle down to the players.”

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The Knicks?

They are resurgent, having reached the Eastern Conference semifinals last season, but they haven’t won a title since 1973, and Dolan has alienated a good chunk of the fan base across the last two decades.

Some fans chant “Sell the team” at games, or wear “Ban Dolan” T-shirts. The owner uses “facial recognition technology to bar from entry lawyers working for firms that represent clients suing his companies,” according to the Times.

Johnson told the AP he’s passed on ownership opportunities with the Golden State Warriors, Detroit Pistons and Atlanta Hawks, but would be interested in the Knicks.

“I think because of the way fans love basketball you might have to think about that one, because I love coming to New York and going to the Garden and watching the Knicks play,” Johnson said. “I love being with fans who are so passionate about their team and the Knick fans are, and they’re smart. They’re smart basketball fans and so that one I would have to think about. I think that other than that, I would probably never think about ever being a part of another franchise.”

Dolan, who owns the Rangers and the Garden in addition to the Knicks, knows he isn’t liked by fans.

“Being a professional sports owner in New York,” he told The Times, “you’re not beloved until you’re dead.”

Magic Johnson?

He would likely be beloved from Day One. And imagine if the Knicks were to ever win a title on his watch?

Hey, it’s a long shot, but it’s at least worth a call.

Feel free to pick up the phone, Magic.