marshals deployed to protect people's gardens from Cheltenham Festival urinators

Gloucestershire Live
marshals deployed to protect people's gardens from Cheltenham Festival urinators

Marshals have been drafted in to protect residents' driveways and gardens from public urinators during the Cheltenham Festival. Stewards have been deployed to key areas where grown adults have taken a leak in full public view and on private property.

It's been a bug bear for many years that men returning from a day at the races and on the booze have been unable to hold it in before they get to a proper toilet. A picture of a group of men all weeing in Pittville Park went viral at last year's Festival and this week, a man was spotted having a pee in a driveway near the racecourse.

On Thursday (March 16) during day three of the Festival, two marshals were in place to act as a deterrent to anyone thinking of nipping into the driveway to answer the call of nature. It was some relief for a long suffering resident.

Twitter user Lyme Babe @fibrobabes had shared the picture of man having a wee outside her home in Evesham Road on Tuesday, the first day of the Festival. She has contacted us again to say she was pleased to see the marshals on Thursday.

She said: "Thanks to the Jockey Club and the racecourse for the two security guards in their branded jackets who were at the entrance to Goldington House earlier today. Hopefully they’ll be back later and continue to act as a deterrent to anyone thinking of using my property as a public convenience.

"I’ve had to put up with men urinating on my property during the festival for decades - including in the pots in which I grow herbs. So it was disgusting that those men watered my herbs with urine when I aimed to eat those herbs eventually.

"We even had an incident years ago when two punters somehow managed to get into the house, uninvited."