Martin Odegaard in Norway rallying cry as Arsenal star delivers Scotland Euro 2024 reminder
Martin Odegaard in Norway rallying cry as Arsenal star delivers Scotland Euro 2024 reminder

Martin Odegaard isn't conceding Norway's pursuit of automatic Euro 2024 qualification out of Scotland's Group A just yet, as he sent the Tartan Army a warning.

The Arsenal star - alongside Manchester City superstar Erling Haaland - will do his all to triumph over Spain on Sunday, with Norway requiring a win over Scotland's Thursday night victors to stay alive and kicking. The odds are stacked right against the Scandinavians, with Scotland and Spain the favourites to reach Germany automatically. But Odegaard won't go down without a serious fight and said with Haaland on their side, there's always hope.

Odegaard said: "With Haaland now we have maybe the best player in the world so we have to get the best out of him. But we need to work as a team. The key is being together as a team. It’s still not done yet, we will see. Of course we want to be there at the Euros. That’s been a big goal for us for a long time and that’s where we want to be.

“We have to fight to win all the games and see where that takes us. In this qualification we didn’t start in the best way. We had some difficult results against Scotland and Georgia but we are learning all the time.

“We want to take that final step and get to the Euros. We’re getting closer and closer and hopefully we can do it this time. We can’t make any mistakes now, we need to win every game to have a chance so it’s a big game (against Spain). Hopefully we can get the result we need.”