Super Rugby Pacific tipping week 1: 'Does anyone really have a clue what will unfold?'
Super Rugby Pacific tipping week 1: 'Does anyone really have a clue what will unfold?'

Regardless of whether you’re ready for it, and especially regardless of whether we’re ready for it, Super Rugby Pacific is here again with games scheduled and teams named.

And just as with the formation of the new competition last year, we too have expanded the panel in 2023 for much the same reason: to aid the development of rugby tipping in our region

There will be concerns about competitiveness, no doubt, and whether this new entity has had enough time to get its tipping house in order. And they’re valid concerns.

In the interests of honesty, and speaking in purely selfish terms, I’m absolutely sweating on the fact they won’t be able to compete at this level. I hope it takes them months to find their tipping groove. And by months, I very obviously mean very deep into next season before they start making progress. If they must make progress at all, that is.

Anyway, with all this said, and carrying on the tradition that has bestowed The Roar’s Super Rugby tipping panel in many of the past seven seasons, we again welcome to the panel the (rugby) editor of the site, Christy Doran.

Please join me in wishing him the best of luck through the grittedest of gritted teeth, as we grant him the honour/force him to lead off in Round 1!

LAST SEASON: Geoff 70, Digger 69, Harry 65, Brett 64, The Crowd 70, Christy 0.



Does anyone really have a clue about what will unfold on the opening night of Super Rugby?

Seriously though, Friday night is a flip of the coin in both matches and it really will be about which teams take their opportunities.

I’ve tipped an upset in Christchurch, with the rock star Chiefs outfit to shock the Crusaders. The loss of Sam Whitelock is a big one for the Crusaders while Bryn Hall’s departure can’t be underestimated either.

The Waratahs are building something special under Darren Coleman, but I’m not sure they’ll be able to cope with the Brumbies in the second half.

Stephen Larkham has made some surprising selections by leaving on the bench a number of his weapons, but once the pace of the game slows down in the second half, I think the class of Nic White and Noah Lolesio could be the difference.

Saturday might not have the firework blockbusters that Friday offers, but for the Reds, Force and Rebels their matches are huge. Seasons could well be defined by the opening showings.

SURE THING: Three Australian victories, which means the Reds will break their hoodoo against New Zealand opposition and help ease the disquiet north of the border.



What a brilliant time of year this is; Super Rugby back on the menu and all 12 teams all in a positive frame of mind for what lies ahead! For six of them that positive mindset will be blown apart come Monday, so let’s try to figure out who, what and why…

The Chiefs notched an epic win in Christchurch last year, but nobody ever got rich tipping against the Crusaders at home. Waratahs versus Brumbies is a great match-up, befitting of a swish new stadium, with the visitors to take the points from the perennial February champions.

The Pasifika showdown to begin an epic ‘Super Saturday’ is a lottery. Not that they were bad last year, but I expect both sides to be better this time around; it’s the Drua in a coin toss. Don’t be surprised to see the Highlanders go well against the Blues, but my tip goes to the Jafa’s. The Hurricanes won’t welcome the Townsville oven, but even so, they should be too sharp for the Reds.

To finish, Force versus Rebels matches are always dogfights, but the Rebels’ pre-season has gone more smoothly this year and they appeal as the more advanced side – with some terrific impact to come off their bench. Good luck rolling into the Six Nations after all of that!

SURE THING: For the first time since 1907, the opening round for the season will feature no cards, no intentional knock-downs, no caterpillar rucks and no complaints on Monday about the referees.



In what feels like it has been the perfect length of off season, it’s exciting to kick off the new season and have actual footy to talk about rather than what Coaches may or may not be up to and the certainty it provides my family also. They will roughly know where I will be on Friday and Saturday evenings for the next wee while; win win.

Looking at the first round, I find myself leaning towards all of the away sides.

The Chiefs have appeared sharp (ish) in their warm ups and if you are going to tip over the Crusaders in Christchurch, the first few rounds appeal as the best bet so will back the Chiefs to perform the usually unthinkable and I will back the Brumbies in Sydney, trusting in what I believe will be a more cohesive and structured approach.

I am really looking forward to how both Moana and Drua have evolved their games heading into their second season, the Drua for mine are a must watch side and I will back them early here while the Blues will not have it all their own way under the roof but they have too many big names on paper to ignore.

Force and Rebels is a pure coin toss, I really don’t know but with Rodda out, lets punt on Melbourne.

And Canes by plenty thanks.

SURE THING: Tipping every away side will almost certainly bring a lot of regret but at least a week or two off from pointless predictions about the All Black Coaching appointment or non-appointment will be pleasant.



Gentlemen, start your engines.

The Crusaders are a team I try not to bet against. So, I’ll not start now. ‘Saders by several trebuchets and a dozen battle axes.

The Brumbies like to dirty up pretty things. Allianz is a pretty thing. Brumbies by 4 mauls to 3.

The Drua-Pasifika “derby” is the match of the round, I reckon. Moana by one kick. Stronger pack.

I’ll back the Blues anywhere except Christchurch at the moment. Too big and strong.

The Hurricanes will probably fare better than the Reds in the steam. Canes, plentifully.

The Force-Rebels clash is a toss-up, so I’ll flip a coin. Rebels.

SURE THING: someone writing for The Roar will be a Wallaby head coach.



OK, there’s some curly ones here to kick off the rugby year, which doesn’t augur well for starting another tipping year with confidence. Knowing my luck, the new guy will even start well.

The obvious ones: the Crusaders only tend to lose to the Chiefs in Christchurch, but only rarely and never* in the first round.

The Blues look a bit good for the Highlanders, but will have to cope with increased expectations of both the rugby public and my tipping this season. And I think as much as we try to ignore team lists in this game, I think the Force losing Izaak Rodda fairly inevitably turned everyone’s attention to the Rebels, if it wasn’t there already.

The harder ones: Waratahs-Brumbies looks a contest to remember, and where perhaps only stadium sauce vendors will emerge as winners. Queensland in Townsville looks a bit warm for the Hurricanes in something of a no.10 crisis.

And what could well be the match of the round, grand final at worst, I think maybe only a large and parochial crowd in Auckland is what sneaks Moana Pasifika home over the Drua. Maybe.

SURE THING: It has to be New South Wales now, surely? I thought long and hard about my Brumbies tip before adding it to the empty table, and I sure as hell didn’t expect to part of a universal agreement as I started adding the panels tips around mind. Surprised, I am. Very bloody.

Get your tips in now – The Crowd’s tips will be revealed Friday afternoon AEDT.