Taking Stock: Dr. Settle's Dream is a Winner

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Taking Stock: Dr. Settle's Dream is a Winner

Dr. Thomas Settle convinced some state legislators in Frankfort not to end legalized gambling in Kentucky. For his efforts, grateful horsemen raised money to build him a new church in Lexington. Historical Horse Racing (HHR) is a game that has helped the horse racing industry in the state. HHR games have fueled purse monies in KY to such an extent that the recent Kentucky Downs meet featured $150,000 maiden races, $500,00 Listed races and several $1 million Grade ll and Grade Lll events.   The Hhr games are a boon to Kentucky horseman, but they know winds can change and they have organized groups like the Kentucky Equine Education Project (KEEP) to advocate for their industry.

Oscar Performance (Kitten's Joy) stands at Mill Ridge and occupies the same one-stall stallion barn that once housed the excellent sire Diesis. Headley Bell bought Dr. Settle's Dream for $30,000 through his Nicoma agency. Bell is a member of the Good Shepherd Episcopal Church on Main St. and Bell Ct. that Dr., Settler built. Dr, Ssettler's first seven dams were bred by the Hancocks of Claiborne. Bull Hancock bought Sir Ivor for Raymond Guest at the 1966 Keeneland summer sale. Alice Chandler's mother, Mrs. Reynolds W. Price, was one of Keenland's founders.

Dr. Settle's dream was to build a church in the English Gothic style. The church was funded by donations from industry members from Kentucky and across the country. Stained glass windows and wood carvings from Oberammergau, Germany are from Anton Lang, who played Christ in a 1922 Oberamic Passion Play. Dr.Settle spent too much money and left the church heavily in debt. The building still exists today. It's a magnificent house of worship for newer generations of Lexingtonians.

Sid Fernando is the president and CEO of Werk Thoroughbred Consultants, Inc. He is originator of the WERK Nick Rating and eNicks.